Income Tax : Learn about Section 40(b) limits on partner remuneration and the introduction of Section 194T for TDS on remuneration, effective A...
Corporate Law : Learn the step-by-step process for partnership firm registration in India. Understand legal requirements, key documents, and compl...
CA, CS, CMA : The Finance Act 2024 revises partner remuneration limits under Section 40b, effective from FY 2024-25. Clarifications on TDS and p...
CA, CS, CMA : In a partnership, compensation for the partners’ time, expertise, and capital investment is an important part of the busines...
Corporate Law : Learn the simple steps to register a partnership firm under the Indian Partnership Act, its advantages, disadvantages, documents r...
Income Tax : Finance Bill 2024 proposes increasing the deduction limit for working partner remuneration to Rs. 3,00,000 or 90% of book profit, ...
Income Tax : From April 1, 2025, firms must deduct 10% TDS on payments to partners exceeding Rs 20,000 annually, under new Section 194T of the ...
Corporate Law : KSCAA presents a representation highlighting the challenges faced in registering firms and suggests solutions. Read more about the...
CA, CS, CMA : ICAI Committee on, Economic, Commercial Laws & Economic Advisory is forming a Study Groups for the subject – RoF Related Issues ...
Corporate Law : Supreme Court affirms that property contributed to a partnership firm becomes firm property, denying exclusive rights to legal hei...
Company Law : NCLT Hyderabad dismissed the application filed under section 9 of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016 for initiation of CIRP ...
Income Tax : Kerala High Court rules on capital gains tax for transfer of depreciable assets in PVR Tourist Home Vs CIT. Read the full judgment...
Corporate Law : Supreme Court ruling clarifies legal heirs' non-liability for firm debts after partner's demise. Detailed analysis & judgment over...
Income Tax : Explore the case of Bhagwan Laxman Rokde Vs ITO (ITAT Mumbai) regarding validity of reopening u/s.147, taxation on undisclosed inc...
CA, CS, CMA : Explore Section 12(e) of the Partnership Act 1932 and its implications on sharing firm financials with legal heirs. Detailed analy...
Company Law : General Circular No. 2/2016 Reference is invited to General Circular No. 13/2013 wherein, in paragraph 2, it has been clarified...
Corporate Law : For the purposes of the proviso to sub-section (1) of section 58 of the Act, where the firm has been converted into limited liabil...
Corporate Law : Clarifications have been sought on whether a trust or a trustee representing a trust in the case of "Real Estate Investment Trust"...
Corporate Law : Maharashtra Government has vide Notification No. No IPA. 2012/329/CR 59/Desk-1 Dated 25.09.2013 has doubled the fees for partnersh...
The issue under consideration is whether Section 14A will be applicable on Profit sharing from Partnership Firm, which is exempt in the hands of partners?
Supreme court held that there is a clear distinction between ‘retirement of a partner’ and ‘dissolution of a partnership firm’. On retirement of the partner, the reconstituted firm continues and the retiring partner is to be paid his dues in terms of Section 37 of the Partnership Act.
The Partners of the proposed firm need to draft a agreed partnership deed agreed mutually by the partners. The deed is required to be printed on Rs. 300 stamp paper. This will be the basic document of registration process. Model of a draft Partnership deed is given below link.
Remuneration to Partners -1. Payment to a non-working partner will not be allowed as a deduction. 2. A ‘working partner’ is an individual who is actively engaged in conducting the affairs of the business or profession of the firm. 3. Quantum of allowance is to be determined with reference to ‘book profit’ which is defined to mean an amount computed in accordance with the provisions of sections 28 to 44D of the Income-tax Act, as increased by the amount of remuneration to partners if deducted in determining book profit.
S. 45(3) and S. 45(4) were brought in to the statute book to deem pooling of assets by partners in to the firm and distribution of assets by the firm to partners on dissolution or otherwise, as transfers for tax purposes with a view to block certain escape routes for avoiding capital gains tax.
Introduction to Partnership ♣ Partnership is an association of two or more individuals who agree to share the profits of a lawful business. ♣ It is managed and carried on either by all or by any, or some of them acting for all. ♣ The formation of partnership is easy and simple. ♣ Each member […]
The prosecution of an accused under Section 138 of the Negotiable Instruments Act, 1888, is not hit by the bar created by sub-section (2) of Section 69 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932.
A charge imposed by government on the annual earnings (either earned# or unearned$ Income) of a Person (Section 2(31)).
A partnership agreement is a necessity if you’re opening a business with another person. The agreement serves two purposes: it creates a legal document that provides for the rights and responsibilities of each partner and it provides you with legal recognition from the state, allowing you to do business. 1. Create a partnership agreement. In […]
S.P. Misra & Ors. Vs Mohd. Laiquddin Khan & Anr. (Supreme Court) It is true that as per the deed of partnership, the partners have agreed, in the event of death of either party, their respective legal representatives shall automatically become partners in the partnership firm and they shall continue to act as partners of […]