Corporate Law : Delhi HC rules that harbouring terrorists under UAPA endangers national security, legitimizes terrorism, and carries penalties up ...
Corporate Law : Discover the grounds, types, and limitations of appeals under civil cases in India. Explore the provisions of Part VII of the Civi...
Corporate Law : Defаmаtiоn is а рrосedure fоr сheсk аnd bаlаnсe оn the Right tо freedоm оf sрeeсh аnd exрressiоn (Аrtiсle...
Corporate Law : Different Stages of Criminal Trial. 1. First Information Report: (FIR) U/S 154 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, A First Informat...
Corporate Law : Indian courts regulate the granting of a temporary injunction in accordance with the procedure laid down under Order XXXIX of the ...
Corporate Law : Bombay High Court held that the provisions of the Civil Code could not create any right in a spouse, who is not registered shareho...
Corporate Law : Karad Urban Cooperative Bank Ltd. Vs. Swwapnil Bhingardevay (Supreme Court) If all the factors that need to be taken into account ...
Delhi HC rules that harbouring terrorists under UAPA endangers national security, legitimizes terrorism, and carries penalties up to life imprisonment.
Bombay High Court held that the provisions of the Civil Code could not create any right in a spouse, who is not registered shareholder of the company, by operation of law, in relation to other shareholders of that company including her spouse. Accordingly, beneficial ownership held by one spouse cannot be taxed on the basis of 50% to each.
Discover the grounds, types, and limitations of appeals under civil cases in India. Explore the provisions of Part VII of the Civil Procedure Code (CPC) and learn who can file an appeal, the types of appeals available, and the general grounds for appeal.
Defаmаtiоn is а рrосedure fоr сheсk аnd bаlаnсe оn the Right tо freedоm оf sрeeсh аnd exрressiоn (Аrtiсle 19). It is а рrосedure tо ensure thаt nоbоdy hаrms the reрutаtiоn оf аny рersоn оr tend tо сreаte а wrоng орiniоn оf the рersоn whо is defаmed, in the eyes of the public.
Karad Urban Cooperative Bank Ltd. Vs. Swwapnil Bhingardevay (Supreme Court) If all the factors that need to be taken into account for determining whether or not the corporate debtor can be kept running as a going concern have been placed before the Committee of Creditors and the CoC has taken a conscious decision to approve […]
Different Stages of Criminal Trial. 1. First Information Report: (FIR) U/S 154 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, A First Information Report is registered. A FIR is information given by someone (complainant) to the police relating to an offense. 2. Investigation: The purpose of a criminal investigation is to gather evidence to identify a suspect […]
Indian courts regulate the granting of a temporary injunction in accordance with the procedure laid down under Order XXXIX of the Civil Procedure Code, whereas, temporary and perpetual injunctions are prescribed by Sections 36 to 42 of the Specific Relief Act.
Amendment of Pleading ⇓ As per Order VI of Rule 17 of CPC, 1908 What is pleading? 1. Pleadings have been defined under Order 6 Rule 1 of CPC which states that Pleading shall be Plaint or Written Statements. 2. Plaint is the statements filed by the Plaintiff in a Civil Court to prove his […]
Order 1 Rule 10 of Civil Procedure Code, 1908 Suit in the Name of wrong plaintiff The general rule in regard to prosecution of parties is that the plaintiff in a suit, be dominus litis, may choose the persons against whom he wishes to litigate and cannot be compelled to sue a person against whom […]