As we aware that, lots of times we faced may difficulties regarding E-filing, refund, rectification, etc but we usually avoid to complaint against it thinking in a way that the process is very much lengthier or tedious and hence Income tax Department has been come up with solution to our this problem which is called as ‘ E-Nivaran’ facility on E filing portal for all users irrespective of whether they are registered or not. Therefore, today I am covering this topic through my article with the motive of enlighten you all regarding this user friendly facility provided by department.
Page Contents
The ‘e-Nivaran’ offers a paperless mode of lodging the complaints, uploading necessary documents, getting the complaint processed and track status of redressal of the same. User can submit Grievance related to Assessing Officer, e-Filing portal, Centralized Processing Centre (CPC), TDS Reconciliation Analysis and Correction Enabling System (TRACES), Directorate of Income Tax (Systems), National Securities Depository Limited (NSDL), Unit Trust of India (UTI) and SBI-refund banker.
All major issues on which grievance may arise are categorised into sub-heads. User need to choose the correct category and sub-category along with user enterable personal information. If the grievance does not fall under any of the sub-category, free text field is also provided to capture the grievance. Documents if any required to be submitted to substantiate the grievance can also be uploaded.
Matters which cannot be treated as grievances:
- RTI Matters
- Court related/ Subjudice Matters
- Religious Matters
- Grievances against Foreign Government
- Suggestions
- Grievances against government employees concerning their service matters including disciplinary proceedings etc. unless the aggrieved employee has already exhausted the prescribed channels
Taxpayers can submit the grievance through the following ways:
- Submit the Grievance if user has not registered at e-filing portal
- Submit the Grievance if user has registered at e-filing portal
Detailed process of the same is as under:
1. Submit the Grievance if user has not registered at e-filing portal
Steps | Particulars |
Step 1 | Visit the ‘e-Filing’ Portal |
Step 2 | Go to the ‘e-Nivaran’ menu located at the upper-right side of the page, Click ‘Submit Grievance’ |
Step 3 | Select ‘Do not have PAN or TAN’ -> Click ‘Submit’ -> Go to ‘Grievance’ tab -> Click ‘Preview & Submit’ |
Step 4 | Enter the six-digit OTP recieved at the given Email ID and Mobile Number ⇒ Click Validate |
Home page
Option to choose ‘’Do not have PAN’
E-Nivaran Form
2. Submit the Grievance if user has registered at e-filing portal
Steps | Particulars |
Step 1 | Logon to the ‘e-Filing’ Portal |
Step 2 | Go to the ‘e-Nivaran’ menu located at the upper-middle side of the page -> Click ‘Submit Grievance’. |
Step 3 | Agree the Grievance Discalaimer. |
Step 4 | Read all instructions carefully -> Go to ‘Grievance’ tab -> Fill the ‘e-Nivaran’ form -> Click ‘Preview & Submit’ |
E-Nivaran option after login:
E-Nivaran Form
Some example of the important useful option under this E-Nivaran are as under
1. Grievance Related to CPC are as follows –
1. Status in eFiling shows “ITR-V received” but no acknowledgment received from CPC
2. Received ITR-V ack from CPC but the status in eFiling does not show as ITR-V received
3. Posted signed ITR-V more than 15 days ago but no ack received from CPC
4. Others
B. Processing
1. Once again received notice u/s 139(9) from CPC even after filing correction 139(9)
2. Unable to upload correction u/s 139(9) as communication Ref and PIN is failing as invalid
3. AO has confirmed that there is no outstanding demand but received a notice u/s 245 from CPC
4. Claimed Tax credits are appearing in Form 26AS but credits are not allowed
5. TDS/TCS credits are appearing in Form 26AS and no data entry errors but credits are not allowed
6. Advance Tax/SAT credits not given at CPC though the credits are available in Form 26AS
7. Difference in total income between “As computed” and ‘As entered” in order, please clarify
8. Already paid the demand amount but CPC has sent demand again
9. Others
C. Refund
1. Got the intimation order 10 days ago showing refund payable but not received the refund
2. The status in efiling shows “Refund determined” but not received refund
3. Raised “Refund Reissue” request 7 days back but refund not received
4. AO verified the legal heir and informed CPC but not received refund
5. Refund status at TIN-NSDL shows as “Refund paid” but not received refund
6. Refund payable adjusted against the outstanding demand, please clarify on the adjustment
7. Others
D. Rectification
1. Online rectification filed 3 months back but not received the order
2. Received rectification order from CPC which is the same as earlier order. Please clarify
3. TDS/TCS credits are appearing in Form 26AS and no data entry errors but credits are not allowed
4. Advance Tax/SAT credits not given at CPC though the credits are available in Form 26AS
5. AO has confirmed that there is no outstanding demand but received a notice u/s 245 from CPC
6. Already paid the demand amount but CPC has sent demand again
7. Others
E. Communication
1. Status in eFiling is “Return processed at CPC” but not received the order
2. Raised “Resend Intimation” request more than 10 days ago but not received the communication.
3. Please confirm the email id to which the order has been sent
4. Others
2. Grievance Related to e-filing are as follow –
A. My Profile
- 139(9) Defective Return
- Compliance related query
- How to Fill ITR Return/Forms
- How to open ITR-V
- How to Raise Rectification Request
- How to Revise Return
- ITR-V Receipt Status
- Pre-filled XML Related Query
- Issues in ITR/Other Forms
B. My Account
- Add/Dis Engage CA/ERI
- Form 26AS/16 Related Queries
- How to Download XML/ITR/ITR-V Receipt
- Intimation Related Query
- Legal Heir Request
- Profile Updates
- View Form 15CA
- XML/ITR/Forms Not Available
Source- and
Republished with Amendments
ITR E Filing Return Or Refund Related Any Query Complaint contact Us 8343904358 / 9330921710 Customer Care Number ..
Call Now.
Dear Sir,
I need to file for condonation of last six AYs to claim refund of IT arising out of grant of Disability pension which is totally exempt inder IT Act .
Sec 119(2)(b) states “In case where refund claim has arisen consequent to a Court Order, the period for which any such proceedings were pending before any Court of Law shall be ignored while calculating the said period of six years, provided such Condonation application is filed within six months from the end of the month in which such Court Order was issued or the end of financial year, whichever is later.”
In my case the legal case was filed in Court in Mar 2017. The court gave verdict in Mar 2020. However due to pandemic the order was not officially given till Oct 20. Thereafter the implementation of the decision by the Govt authorities took another 9 months to issue instructions for payment.
Now can I file for condonation to CIT as under
1. FY 17-18, 18-19, 19-20 -period the Case was pending before the court of Law
2. FY 11-12 to FY 16-17 – Six previous years as per sec 119(2)(b)
3. OR it will be only six previous years from FY 14-15 to FY 19-20.
Also can I take benefit of Order dated 27th April, 2021 passed by the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India in Misc. Application No. 665/2021 in Suo Motu
Writ Petition (Civil) No. 3/2020 directed that the period of limitation in filing petitions/applications/ Suits/appeals/ all other proceedings, irrespective of the period of limitation under the general or special laws, shall stand extended with effect from 15thMarch, 2020 till further orders. Delay has occured due to pandemic and no fault of mine in not being able to file for condonation application within six months from the end of the month in which such Court Order was issued or the end of financial year, whichever is later.
Please Clarify. Thanks
if the answer to e nivaran is not satisfactory what to do ?
I filed return for my Late mother as legal heir representative in Dec 2020. Assessment order is received. But received no refund order from AO.
What to do?
I applied for PAN Jurisdiction change for change of Permanent address from Berhampore West Bengal to Gandhinagar Gujarat on 15 Feb 2021. Matter is still pending. Sending daily email request. matter is still pending. What should I do next?
Whome I should address at CPC, Bangalore to claim the Refund adjusted to out standing demands which are Removed by order U/s 154 of the IT act-1961.
How many days it takes to complete everification after submitting CPC grievance
Respected Sir/ Madam,
I beg to state that ,I had submitted Mr. Rajiv Shantilal Singh (Myself) Individual Income Tax Return -AY 2019-20 on 14/08/2019 – THE INCOME TAX DEPARTMENT, Banglore -CPC – Ref File Attached.
But, the I.T.Department-Banglore CPC have not taken necessary action till date ,I have called 100 times to CPC but no response received from the entire team, Pls refer my call details register number -09757071964, I begged to register the said complaints but no one bothered to register the same and was rudely denied by CPC Team members, Later after complaining multiple times,I got successful in registering few complaints ,Number listed – 200200068865 & 200200068865 ,But after registering complaints ,queries ,priority for my refund status nothing worked, I am pained to say that entire CPC team was callous in my case including ITR Team also, I am still shocked that all complaints,queries & refund status is still under process.
Kindly, take necessary action of my 2019-2020 Refund on Priority.
Thanking you,
Details :
I had filed revised return 139 5 after getting refund which is almost 6 months back I had gone through nivaran greievence request also online …showing as pending let me advice how to proceed to get revised file refunf
My question is a) can AO raise a claim for non payment ( though paid) for 12 years old return
b) Has AO the power to change the amounts of 1) income from salary / pension & income from other sources & workout the tax payable @ of10%+ cess & then raise the demand as outstanding amount. Is it haresement or indirect way of corruption.
Hello Sir,
This is related to ITR, my employee is not providing Form16, and every month tax was deducted from my salary. Now while checking whether this tax is submitted to Govt, it’s not.
Please help me what action I should take.
Thank you
I have filed for ITR refund since 06/2018. But, till date, my request is in the e-verification stage. Please guide me in this context.
my client a.y. 2017-18 return submitted but form 26as year previous year field. hence not show 26as this year tds. hence income tax notice for demand .. pls solution
This relates to my tax return filed for AY 2016-17.I paid all the required taxes, TDS deducted from bank income and other incomes and also advance tax and self assessment taxes paid by me appear in form 26AS.However I have received a demand notice U/S 143(1) for payment of the entire tax already paid along with interest .Can someone help please?
Dear income tax office
I have submitted ITR on 16 -Jul 2017 for the financial year 2017-18. The refund of 1000 Rs. is still not recieved .Pls refund the due amount at the earliest. My Details of PAN is as under .
Ackowldgement No. is 879128700160717
Name : Parvesh Chander Bhalla
Contact No. 9891977960
Sr citizens loaded with more income tax in 2017-18 than the previous year having income in between 350,000 to 400,000.———————————————- suppose sr citizen have an income of 360,000— income tax during 2016-17 will be after rebate Rs 1000 (6000-5000) and during 2017-18 tax will be after rebate Rs 3000 (3000-0) that is to say Rs 2000 (3000-1000) more than the previous year.—please approach the income deptt for rectification this ambiguity by changing rebate limit of 350,000 to 400,000 for sr. citizens. thank you.
Thank you for the detailed guidelines. My income tax return for AY 2014-15 and 2015-16 has not been processed. I have already registered my grievance on the Income tax website as explained in the article 10 days back but have not received any response. The status column says ‘open’. How do I escalate it to get it resolved?
One of my client is providing doctors to a organisation as per their requirement. Organisation is making payment to them after deducting tds @ 10% under the head professionals being doctors provided by him. My question is whether tds deducted @ 10% is correct or not?? Whether this agreement fall under the head contract and tds to be deducted @2%? Email – Please reply.
A person hold a PAN card issued by IT deptt. He is receiving his TDS certificates generated through TRACES site with the same PAN. When he tries to register on efiling site for efiling of return of income the message is “PAN does not exist”. He contacted efiling help-desk and he was told to contact NSDL. NSDL says that it is not its job. What remedy does one have in such a situation? Kindly guide. Thanks
Thank you.
Your website is extremely helpful. But not a single question of mine got answered.
I am US citizen getting indian BARC pension. My deductible is what as a senior citizen? Email me