It is an upgraded version of previous tool, this tool will convert GSTR1 and GSTR-3B files into Excel on a Monthly Basis.
Format is the same as provided by the GST department, but I write it in Vertically, so that you can do the following.
#Monthly Comparison of your GST Returns
#Help in GST Reconciliation
#Help in GST Audit
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The tool is fantastic.
For GSTR3B from oct 2020 onwards the pattern has been changed and hence the tool is throwing error.
My observation in the GSTR3B is the word “FINAL” is appearing in different place from Oct2020 3B when the pdf data copied and pasted in excel whereas upto Sep 2020 the pasted data cell reference is different.
Thank you. However I think you have updated the version to 3.2.2 but its not reflected in the download link here. Possible to update it here for people searching? Thanks.
P.S For Time being, people looking for converter can follow the youtube link in the current version and find updated Converter (3.2.2) in Comments.
I am unable to download the excel file