Case Law Details
Case Name : Bharti Airtel Limited Vs Union of India & Ors. (Delhi High Court)
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Courts :
All High Courts Delhi High Court
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Bharti Airtel Limited Vs Union of India & Ors. (Delhi High Court)
Delhi High Court held that the failure of the Government to operationalise the statutory returns, GSTR 2, 2A and 3 prescribed under the CGST Act, cannot prejudice the assessee. The GSTR 3B which was merely a summary return as an alternative did not have the statutory features of the returns prescribed under the Act. Therefore, if there were errors in capturing ITC on account of which cash was paid for discharging GST liability instead of utilising Please become a Premium member. If you are already a Premium member, login here to access the full content.
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what is the effect of this judgement on the GSTR9 and GSTR9C already filed for the year 2017-18?
Now the tax paying public of this country should explore the possibility of dragging Infosys who are the GSTN administrators to the Govt and thus indirectly to the tax paying public also towards deficiency of service. It should be possible for the taxpaying public to proceed since it is their money which the govt of India, – a trustee for the tax paying public, had paid towards services rendered by Infosys. As per the press reports they top managerial personnel had taken hefty remuneration from the company. If the company can afford to pay to its top personnel for such a shabby work done, huge sums of money, why can’t they reimburse scores of people who had paid late fee, int and additional taxes for no fault of them.