Extract from letter of Mala Srivastava, Special Secretary & Member to All Chief Commissioners bearing letter no. D.O. No.A-32012/14/2013-Ad.II, Dated: March 24, 2014
The Board is in the process of finalizing a proposal for holding DPC for ad-hoc promotion to the grade of Commissioner for the vacancy year 2013-14 and Joint Commissioner for the vacancy year 2014-15.
2. However, the whole process of DPC is getting delayed due to deficiency of ACR folders of officers. In this regard, attention is drawn to DOP&T’s OM No,,21011/02/2009-Estt. dated 16.02.2099 which emphasizes on timely completion and maintenance of ACRs within the prescribed time period. The OM also elaborates procedure for appending the No Report Certificate in cases where the ACR is not available. Further detailed instructions/detailed guidelines for maintenance and up keeping of ACRS have also been issued vide Board’s OM dated 12.04.2013 (copy available on CBEC website). It is obvious that the instructions quoted above are not being complied strictly.
3. I would, therefore, request you to look into the matter personally and ensure strict compliance of the above mentioned instructions in order to avoid unnecessary delays in conducting DPC’s for various grades.
Download CBEC Member’s D.O. No.A-32012/14/2013-Ad.II, Dated: March 24, 2014