[F.No.01/93/180/20/AM-13/ PC-2(B)]
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi -110 011
Trade Notice No. 39/2018-19
New Delhi, Dated the 12th December, 2018
Subject: Requirement of documents for online IEC applications — clarifications reg.
Vide Trade Notice No 23/ 2018-19 dated 8th August, 2018 DGFT had notified the new procedure for online IEC applications and mandated that online application for IEC would require only 2 documents to be uploaded i.e.
(i) Address proof the applicant entity; and
(ii) Cancelled Cheque bearing entity’s pre-printed name or Bank Certificate.
2. It has, however, been observed that there is a confusion about as to in whose name IEC is going to be issued and also about the address and proof thereof.
3. Therefore, the following is clarified;
(i) IEC is to be issued in the name of the firm. So application has to be made in the name of a firm. The firm may be a proprietorship/ partnership/ LLP firm/ HUF firm / an individual or a company (that includes Government Undertaking/ Public or Private Limited company/ Section 25 company/One Director Company/ Registered Society/ Trust).
(ii) Since there is a need to keep record as to who is submitting application on behalf of the firm, the person/individual who is submitting the application on behalf of the firm is the applicant. For example , firm name is “Goyal and sons” , the IEC should be in the name of “Goyal & sons”. If one Shri A B Goyal is submitting the application for IEC, the applicant is A B Goyal and his details such as mobile no/email id will be required as applicant. It is to be noted that the mobile no and email id of the applicant will be used for verification and subsequent log in . Both cannot be changed simultaneously at any point of time.
(iii) The address of the firm and documents in support of that address are required.
(a) If the document in support of the address of the firm having firm’s name ( for example X) is available, the same needs to be uploaded.
(b) In case the document in support of the address of the firm is in the name of some other name (for example Y), an NOC from Y in favour of X is also required in addition to document in support of address in the name of Y. Both the documents will establish the address in favour of the firm (X).
(iv) Either of the following documents is acceptable as proof of address (the document should be in the name of the firm):
a. Aadhaar Card or (in case of proprietorship )
b. Voters ID or (in case of proprietorship )
c. Passport or (in case of proprietorship )
d. Electricity/ Telephone (Landline or Mobile) Bill or
e. GST Registration Certificate or
f. Bank Certificate as in ANF 2(A) (I) (copy annexed), or
g. Sale/ lease/ rent deed (relevant pages indicating the seller , buyer and address details)
(v) The proprietorship company can submit address proof in favour of individual (proprietor) and it need not necessarily be in the name of the firm.
(vi) Clarification on Bank certificate/ pre-printed cancelled cheque:
a. Either a pre-printed cheque or a bank certificate has to be uploaded.
b. Pre-printed cheque should have the name of the account holder pre-printed by the bank. A cheque without pre-printed name of the account holder is not acceptable.
c. Pre-printed cheque should be in the name of the firm. However, in case of proprietorship firms, pre-printed cheque may be in the name of the individual (proprietor)
d. Pre-printed cheque can be of a savings account or a current account.
4. This issues with the approval of the competent authority.
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
Email: shyama.roy@nic.in
(To be issued on the official letter head of the Bank)
(Name of the bank/branch address detail)
Ref No…………….
Office of the Regional Authority of DGFT
(please fill in the address of the concerned jurisdictionRegional Authority)
Sir/ Madam
It is certified that M/s. (Name of the account holder)*…………………………………………………..whose address as per the bank records is………………………………………………………………………. is/ are maintaining a Savings Bank Account / Current Account (tick whichever is applicable) No……………………………….. with us, since……………………………..
Affix Passport Size Photograph of the authorised account holder* |
Note: The photograph as affixed and attested is of the account holder**. [This does not apply in cases where the account holder is an institute/ company (LLP/ Private/ Public/Govt. Undertaking / Section 25 Company)]
(Signature of the issuing authority)
(Not below the rank of Manager)
IFS Code of the issuing bank: …………………………..
Email id of the bank: ………………………………….
* Name and Address of the account holder is as per the records maintained by the bank.
**Account holder is the signatory applicant in the application form for Importer Exporter Code (IEC)