F.NO. S/22-GEN- 150 /2015-16 AM (I)
F.NO. S/22-GEN- 150 /2015-16 AM (I)
Date: 06.10.2017
Subject: Standard Operating procedure for Processing of Bonds and Bank Guarantees in BBM- regarding
A new Bond & Bank Guarantee Module (BBM) is being introduced with effect from 10.10.2017 for monitoring & management of Bonds & Bank Guarantees (BGs) required to be furnished by importers/ exporters/ any other person in compliance to various provisions of Customs Act, 1962. The following Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) is hereby prescribed for Departmental Officers for dealing with such Bonds & BGs in the newly launched BBM Module for effective monitoring of Bonds & BGs.
1. Vetting of Bond /BG by Group AO: On being approached by the Importer / Customs Broker, the import group will decide the type and amount of Bond & BG to be submitted and contents thereof. The Bond and BG so submitted will be vetted by the Appraiser (Group), among other things, for verification that the BG contains an auto- renewal clause and does not contain a nullifying clause that limits its validity.
2. Registration of Bond & BG both in EDI & BBM: Further Bond and BG will be registered on both systems i.e. EDI system and on BBM. The hard copy of the information (Bond/BG/Check List etc.) duly checked & verified by the Appraiser(Group) will be submitted to AC/DC(Group) for their approval/acceptance, in the concerned file. Simultaneously, a job will be generated by STA/Inspector(Group) on EDI System. The job no. so generated will be sent to AC/DC(Group) for approval. After acceptance of Bond/BG in file and also in the EDI System, the details will be entered in the BBM Module by STA(Group) and same will be submitted to AC/DC(Group) on BBM module for approval. Print out from the BBM Module will be retained in Group for record.
3. Role & Responsibility of BG Cell (BBM Unit):
(i) The original file along with original BG & Bond with other details will be sent to Bank Guarantee Cell (to be called as “BBM Unit”) for safe custody. PO (BBM Unit), after checking / verifying the details/data already entered in the Module, will receive the original BG & Bond from the group and acknowledge receipt of the same online on the BBM Module. If the data entered in the module is found to be as per the documents, the Superintendent (BBM Unit) will approve the same and generate BBM Number. Otherwise, the same will be returned back to the concerned group for taking necessary corrective action.
(ii) An auto-generated letter will be issued by PO (BBM Unit) to the respective Bank for verifying the genuineness of the BG.
(iii) Thereafter, the Bond and BG received from the group will be scanned and uploaded by PO (BBM Unit) into the module.
(iv) After the BBM Number is generated, the file will be returned to group through DC/AC (BBM Unit) with due endorsement with a Xerox copy of Bond/BG placed duly in the file. On getting the file so endorsed the AC/DC(Group) will allow debit and assessment of the concerned Bill of Entry by the concerned group.
(v) The BG & Bond will be stored properly in the lockers of the BBM Unit, thereby, the practice of sending BGs’ to Cash Section shall be discontinued.
(vi) In addition to that, all the old BGs’ in custody of Cash Section shall be received by BBM Unit under proper handover and takeover note for regularization and for uploading in the BBM by the BBM Unit.
(vii) It will be the responsibility of the PO of BBM Unit to regularly monitor the Bonds and BGs for expiry and renewal. He/She will put up cases slated for expiry in the next month for perusal of the Superintendent (BBM Unit) and AC/DC (BBM Unit).
(viii) Superintendent (BBM Unit) will be responsible for proper upkeep, safety, validity and cancellation of Bonds and BGs in time, whereas DC/AC(BBM Unit) has been made responsible for the purpose of monitoring the above work in terms of the Departmental
(ix) In case of BGs & Bonds which are due to expire by the end of next month, the Superintendent (BBM unit) will issue a letter to the party/Bank with a copy to the concerned group for renewal.
4. If any request is received by BBM Unit from the group to return the original BG & Bond for the purpose of finalization/enforcement/cancellation, Superintendent / PO (BBM Unit) will forward the original copy of BGs & Bonds for Finalization/Enforcement of BGs/Cancellation by Group.
5. Difficulties, if any, in implementation of the aforesaid guidelines may be brought to the notice of DC/AC in charge of Appraising Main (Import) NS-III (email address: jnch@gov.in).
Copy to:
1. The Chief Commissioner of Customs, Mumbai Zone-II, JNCH for information.
2. The Commissioner of Customs, NS-Gen, I, II,III,IV,V, JNCH.
3. The Addl./Jt. Commissioner of Customs, NS-Gen, I, II,III,IV,V JNCH.
4. All Dy. / Asstt. Commissioner of Customs, NS-Gen, I, II,III,IV,V JNCH.
5. The DC/AC, EDI for uploading on JNCH Website immediately.
6. Notice Board.