Office of The Commissioner of Customs (NS-II)
Nhava Sheva Customs, Raigad, Maharashtra- 400 707.
No. S/12-Gen–Misc-131/20-21/DBK JNCH
Date: 15. 05.2021
Public Notice No. 45/2021
DIN No. 20210578NT0000555B95
Subject: Special Refund and Drawback Disposal Drive from 15.05.2021 to 31.05.2021 – reg.
Attention of all exporters, their authorised representatives, trade and Industry associations and other stakeholders is invited to the special drive launched last year for priority disposal of pending Customs refunds, IGST Refunds and Customs Duty Drawback claims from 08.04.2020 to 30.04.2020.
2. Continuing with the trade facilitation measure, Special drive for disposal of pending refund and duty drawback claims, in order to provide immediate relief to the business entities especially MSMEs, during these challenging times, is being initiated by the Nhava Sheva Customs. The special drive will focus on the objective of priority processing and disposal of pending drawback claims. This special drive will be in place from 15th May to 31st May 2021.
3. The exporters, CBs and all trade and industry associations are requested to inform their members and assist them in submitting required documents wherever so required for their pending claims. All communications in this regard may be made to
4. Difficulties faced, if any may be brought to the notice of ADC Shri Manish Thapliyal
Contact persons for pending duty drawback claims for this special drive:
1. Mrs Tarul D. Bhavsar, DC Drawback (Ph. No. 0816908319) Email Id:
2. Devashya Jyoti Jyotirmoy, DC Drawback (Ph. No. 09818407833) Email Id:
3. Vinod Kumar Meena Supdt. Drawback (Ph. No. 08963874262) Email Id:
4. Suvidha S. Jadhav Supdt. IGST (Ph. No. 09820626009) Email Id:
(Sanjay Mahendru)
Commissioner of Customs, NS-II,
Nhava Sheva, Customs
Copy to:
1. The ADC o/o Chief Commissioner of Customs, Mumbai Zone-II, JNCH.
2. The Commissioner of Customs, NS-G/NS-I/NS-II/NS-III/NS-Audit/NS-V, JNCH.
3. FIEO, FICCI, ASSOCHAM, EEPC, IMC, MSME Association and other trade and industry Associations, BCBA, MANSA, CSLA, CFSAI.
4. AC/DC, EDI for uploading on JNCH website.