It is being further informed that applicants may now view the status of their applications for Import /Non-SCOMET Export/ SCOMET Export Licenses on the DGFT’s website To access this facility, applicant may visit the dgft’s website and therein. TRADE NOTICE No. 26/2018 dated 27th August, 2018
Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated: 27th August, 2018
TRADE NOTICE No. 26/2018
i. RAs of DGFT
ii. Members of Trade
Sub: Status of applications for Import /Non-SCOMET Export/ SCOMET Export Licenses – reg.
Attention of Trade and Industry is invited to Trade Notice No. 18/2018 dated 20.06.2018 vide which it was informed that application seeking authorization for import/export of restricted items could be made through e-mail.
2. In continuation of the above trade facilitation measure, it is requested that applicant may kindly include the ECOM reference invariably with the pdf. copy of their application, importer-exporter profile as well as other document necessary for processing the application.
3. It is being further informed that applicants may now view the status of their applications on the DGFT’s website To access this facility, applicant may visit the dgft’s website and therein
i. under the heading “Exporter Facilitation” scroll down to “Restricted Licenses Application Status”.
ii. Thereafter , click “Restricted License application Status” to view status of either:
- SCOMET Restricted Import Licenses ; or
- Non-SCOMET Export Licenses; or
- Restricted Import Licenses.
3. It may also be noted that updation of the status is done for each application, as and when inputs are received from the concerned administrative Ministries/ Departments. There may be a little time lag in relation to actual status of the case and status displayed in the site. The status displayed is for information only and for regularization of Authorization, actual signed minutes uploaded in DGFT website may only be referred to.
(S.P. Roy)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
Telefax: 23062240