F. No. S/43-10/2012 PSO JNCH Part IV
Date: 17.03.2017
Sub: Export of Factory Stuffed refrigerated container; further clarification regarding
Attention of the Importers, Exporters, Port Terminal Operators, Shipping Lines / Shipping Agents, CFSs coming under the jurisdiction of JNCH, Nhava Sheva and all other stakeholders is invited to the Public Notice No. 163/2016 dated 01.12.2016, Public Notice No. 174/2016 dated 15.12.2016 & Public Notice No. 03/2017, dated 09.01.2017 regarding Standard Operating Procedure consequent to commencement of “Document Processing Area” in the Parking Plaza and Gate Automation for Export & Import through NSCIT/NSIGT, GTI & JNPCT.
2. Members from trade exporting goods in Refrigerated containers have again requested for reconsideration of Public Notice 174/2016 dated 15.12.2016 & Public Notice No. 03/2017, dated 09.01.2017, wherein it was clarified that:
Para 7. There was demand from trade that “Refrigerated Containers” & “Containers containing perishable goods” should be allowed direct port entry without “Let Export Order” as was the earlier system. However, considering the reasons as mentioned in Para 3 above aforesaid demand cannot be accepted. However, in order to ensure expeditious clearances, it is decided that document processing relating to “Refrigerated Containers” & “Containers containing perishable goods” will be done on priority (out of turn). In order to distinguish “Refrigerated Containers” shipping bills trade is advised to clearly indicate “Refrigerated Containers” on top right corner of such shipping bills. Similarly, for shipping bill pertaining to “perishable goods”, trade is advised to clearly indicate “Perishable Goods” on top right corner of such shipping bills.
3. This office has reconsidered the aforesaid request. It has been informed that Port Terminals have not been able to provide adequate facilities for charging of refrigerated containers in the Parking Plazas, though such facilities are available inside the Port It was also informed that due to seasonal behavior, there is increase export of commodities in refrigerated containers leading to delay in entry of such Containers inside the Parking Plazas. Although, Public Notice 174/2016 dated 15.12.2016 provided that document processing relating to “Refrigerated Containers” & “Containers containing perishable goods” will be done on priority; yet due to delay in entry of such Containers inside the Parking Plaza, there is delay in completion of entire process.
4. In view of the above, it is decided that:
i. As an interim measure, Customs will not insist of physical entry of “Refrigerated Containers” inside the parking plaza;
ii. As soon such “Refrigerated Containers” reaches the Parking Plaza, they may approach the Customs officer inside Parking Plaza for “Registration and Let Export Order (if RMS facilitated)”.
iii. Customs will depute Preventive Officer for verification of seal No, Container No and condition of seal, and if found in order, will process documents for issue of LEO;
iv. However, if shipping bill is not RMS facilitated and selected for examination, refrigerated containers should be routed through CFS for examination and completion of customs procedures.
v. It is being informed that aforesaid relaxation has been granted only on temporary basis till further orders.
vi. This, issues with approval of the Chief Commissioner of Customs, Mumbai Zone-II, JNCH. Action to be taken in terms of decisions taken in this Public Notice should be considered as standing order for the purpose of officers and staff.
Commissioner of Customs (NS-IV).
1. The Chief Commissioner of Customs, Mumbai Zone-II, JNCH for information.
2. The Pr. Commissioner of Customs, NS-1, JNCH
3. The Commissioner of Customs, NS-G/ NS-II / NS-III/ NS-IV / NS-V, JNCH
4. All Additional / Joint Commissioner of Customs, JNCH
5. All Deputy / Assistant Commissioner of Customs, JNCH
6. All Sections / Groups of NS-G, NS-I, NS-II / NS-III/ NS-IV / NS-V, JNCH
7. The Chairman, JNPT / CEO GTI / CEO NSICT & NSIGT / CSLA.
8. AC/DC, EDI for uploading on JNCH website immediately.