Government of India
Ministry of Commerce & Industry
Department of Commerce
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated 08. 06. 2015
Trade Notice No. 04/2015
1. All IEC Holders
2. All EPCs
3. All Chambers of Trade and Industries
4. Federation of Indian Export Organisations
5. All RA’s of DGFT
Subject: Preferential Treatment for Status Holders.
The Para 3.24 of the new Foreign Trade Policy 2015-20 provides for certain privileges and preferential treatment for the Status Holders. As per sub para (g) of Para 3.24 of FTP, status holders would be entitled to preferential treatment and priority in handling of their consignments by the concerned agencies.
2. While Para 9.10 of Handbook of Procedure 2015-20 provides for time bound disposal of various applications under FTP, in pursuance to the policy at Para 3.24(g) as above, RAs of DGFT should endeavour to extend preferential treatment to the Status Holders in disposal of their applications. Accordingly, the following shortened time lines are laid down for issue of advance authorisation and its subsequent amendments to the status holders:
S. No. | Category of Status Holders | Nature of Application (received through electronic mode) | Timeline for disposal (in working days) |
1 | 5 Star and 4 Star Status Holders | 1. Advance Authorisation (where input norms are notified )
2. Revalidation of Advance Authorisation 3. Invalidation of Advance Authorisation |
1 day |
2 | 3 Star, 2 Star and 1 Star Status Holders | 1. Advance Authorisation (where input norms are notified )
2. Revalidation of Advance Authorisation 3. Invalidation of Advance Authorisation |
2 days |
3. The Regional Authorities are accordingly advised to ensure that the above timelines are followed scrupulously while processing applications from the Status Holders.
(S.P. Roy)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
F.No.-01/93/180/12/AM-16/PC-2(B) pt.2