The guidelines concerning official dealings between Administration and Members of Parliament and State Legislatures have been issued by the Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions and reiterated from time to time. The provisions of the Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure regarding prompt disposal of communications from MPs have also been reiterated from time to time. However, keeping in view the instances of occasional non-observance of the above guidelines, a need was felt by the Committee of Privileges of the Lok Sabha for consolidating and reiterating the existing instructions. Accordingly, revised comprehensive guidelines were issued by this Department vide Office Memorandum No. 11013/4/2011-Estt.(A) dated 1″ December 2011 (copy enclosed). A copy of former Secretary (P)’s D.O. No.27/11/2014-Estt.(A) dated 9th October, 2012 reiterating the said instructions is also enclosed for ready reference.
The existing Instructions are hereby appropriately strengthened to emphasize the basic principles to be borne In mind by the Government servants while Interacting with the Members of Parliament and State Legislatures. These are as follows :-
(i) Government servants should show courtesy and consideration to Members of Parliament and State Legislatures;
(ii) while the Government servants should consider carefully or listen patiently to what the Members of Parliament and of the State Legislatures may have to say, the Government servant should always act according to his own best judgment and as per the rules;
(iii) Any deviation from an appointment made with a Member of ParliarnenVState Legislature must be promptly explained to him to avoid any possible inconvenience. Fresh appointment should be fixed in consultation with him;
(iv) An officer should be meticulously correct and courteous and rise to receive and see off a Member of Parliament/State Legislature visiting him. Arrangements may be made to receive the Members of Parliament when, after taking prior appointment, they visit the officer of the Government of India, State Government or local Government. Arrangements may also be made to permit entry of vehicles of the Members to these Offices subject to security requirements/restrictions;
(v) Members of Parliament of the area should invariably be invited to public functions organized by a Government office. Proper and comfortable seating arrangements at public functions and proper order of seating on the dais should be made for Members keeping in view the fact that they appear above officers of the rank of Secretaries to Government of India in the Warrant of Precedence; The invitation cards and media events, if organized for the function held in the constituency, may include the names of , the Members of that constituency who have confirmed participation in these functions.
It is clarified that if a constituency of any Member of Parliament is spread over more than one District, the M.P should invariably be invited to all the functions held In any of the Districts which are part of his/her constituency;
(vi) Where any meeting convened by the Government is to be attended by Members of Parliament, special care should be taken to see that notice is given to them In good time regarding the date, time, venue etc. of the meeting, It should also be ensured that there is no slip in any matter of detail, however minor it may be. It should especially be ensured that:–
(a) intimations regarding public meetings/functions are sent through speedier communication devices to the M.Ps, so that they reach them well in time, and
(b) that receipt of Intimation by the M,P is confirmed by the officer / official concerned;
(vii) Letters from Members of Parliament and Members of State Legislatures must be promptly acknowledged, and a reply sent at an appropriate level expeditiously as per the relevant provisions of the Central Secretariat Manual of Office Procedure;
(viii) Information or statistics relating to matters of local importance must be furnished to the MPs and MLAs when asked for. The information so supplied should be specific and answer the points raised. A soft copy of the information should also be sent to the Member via e-mail;
(ix) if the information sought by a Member of Parliament cannot be given and is to be refused, instructions from a higher authority should be taken and the reasons for not furnishing the information should be given in the reply;
(x) Wherever any letter from a Member of Parliament is in English and the reply is required to be given in Hindi in terms of the Official Languages Act, 1963 and the rules framed there under, an English translation should also be sent along with the reply for the convenience of such Members of Parliament from non Hindi speaking areas;
(xi) References from the Committees of Parliament must be attended to promptly;
(xii) The officers should not ignore telephonic messages left for them by the Members of Parliament/State Legislatures in their absence and should try to contact at the earliest the Member of Parliament/State Legislature concerned. These instructions also include SMS and e-mails received on official mobile telephones which also should be replied to promptly and on priority;
(xiii) All Ministries/Departments may ensure that the powers of Members of Parliament/State Legislatures as Chairpersons! Members of committees under various Centrally Sponsored/Central Sector government schemes are clearly and adequately defined; and
(xiv) A Government servant should not approach MPs/MLAs for sponsoring his individual case as bringing or attempting to bring political or non-official. or other outside influence is prohibited under the conduct Rules e.g. Rule 18 of the All India Service (Conduct) Rules, 1968 and Rule 20 of the Central Civil Services (Conduct) Rules.
Download DoPT letter in F.No.11013/2/2012-Estt.A., Dated: November 19, 2014
The Government Servants are instructed to show courtesy to Members pf PARLIAMENT AND STATE LEGISLATURES.
What about the common man, the Aam Admi who has elected elected these dignitaries? But for them they will not be what they are today. Therefore the common man also is entitled to some courtesies, a patient hearing and quick disposal of their problems.
A. Ranganathan