Notice: Update In Trade Marks Registry And Public Search By Office Of Controller General Patents, Design And Trade Marks
Are you a trademark attorney or a Trademark Applicant who was always waiting for 3:30 p.m. so that you could have access to the trademark registry and struggled to work because of updates in the registry and its non-working hours?
Well, now your struggle is over.
Attention Everyone!
The Office of Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks issued a general public notice on 01.02.2024 stating that all the time restrictions previously put on E-Register and on the TM Public Search. Furthermore stating that from the date of date of notice all the services will be available 24×7 to everyone.
To those who are unaware, the Office of Controller General of Patents, Design & Trade Marks issued notice on September, 2023. The notice stated that the TradeMark E- Register and TM Public Search is dealing with heavy traffic and hence the software and hardware needs to be updated, further it was stated that the E-Register and the TM Public Search will not be working from 10 A.M to 4:30 PM daily on all working all days.
This recent notice from the Office of Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks brings on a relief to the Trade Mark attorneys, Trade Marks Applicants and related people. Everyone can now seamlessly have access to the E- Register and TM Public Search without any hindrance. This will boost the productivity of the trademark agents enabling the smooth process while tracking the status of the trademark applications and perform other necessary searches without any time restrictions and limitations. This has greatly enhanced the efficiency of trademark-related tasks, eliminating the need for applicants to wait until 3:30 PM daily for access to the registry and reducing the backlog of pending work.
While it is remarkable for the Office of Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks to make the necessary updates with time and make the website available 24×7 to the general public, there are and will be challenges ahead in front of the Trade Mark Registry. Previously also, the website was unable to take load of the traffic on the website even after the restricted time period and working hours. It will be difficult for the websites to take all the load when the new updates have just been completed. These issues are mainly due to the heavy traffic on the platform and the need for regular system updates. Although the notice has addressed the time restrictions comprehensively and ensured uninterrupted access, it is crucial that the Office of Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks remains vigilant in resolving any other lingering technical concerns and streamlining the overall user experience.
It may take the time for the authority to check all the bugs and load generated on the website with new updates after months of work.
Future Improvements:
By taking the necessary steps to eliminate time restrictions and provide uninterrupted access to the trademark registry, the Office of Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks has portrayed their commitment to continuous improvement. Moving forward, it is crucial for the office to further enhance the user experience by addressing any further remaining technical issues and introducing additional features that empower trademark attorneys and applicants. These improvements could include enhanced search functionalities, and a more user friendly interface. By actively seeking feedback and implementing necessary changes, the trademark registry can become an even more valuable resource for trademark professionals.
The issuance of the general public notice by the Office of Controller General of Patents, Designs & Trade Marks, enabling 24×7 access to the trademark registry, has brought immense relief to trademark attorneys and applicants. This significant development eliminates the struggles faced by professionals who have been eagerly waiting for time restrictions to get over to access the registry and contribute to a more efficient and streamlined trademark registration process. While some challenges and bugs still remain, the notice marks a substantial step in the right direction. With continued efforts to address technical concerns and further improve the user experience, the trademark registry will undoubtedly become an indispensable tool for trademark professionals globally.
Are you still facing any issues in this regard, please send your concern on who will address your concern.