The Constitution of India in its Preamble has assured the people a three dimensional justice including social justice. Under the domain of ‘social justice’, several cases highlighting social issues are included. To mention summarily, about the release of surplus food grains lying in stocks for the use of people living in the drought affected areas; to frame a fresh scheme for public distribution of food grains; to take steps to prevent untimely death of the women and children for want of nutritious food; providing hygienic mid-day meal besides issues relating to children; to provide night shelter to destitute and homeless; to provide medical facilities to all the citizen irrespective of their economic conditions; to provide hygienic drinking water; to provide safety and secured living conditions for the fair gender who are forced into prostitution, etc., these are some of the areas where the constitutional mechanism has to play a proactive role in order to meet the goals of the Constitution.
In Supreme Court several cases relating to the domain of ‘social justice’ are pending for several years. Hon’ble the Chief Justice of India is of the view that these cases shall be given a specialized approach for their early disposal so that the masses will realize the fruits of the rights provided to them by the constitutional text. In this perspective, His Lordship has ordered constitution of a Special Bench titled as “Social Justice Bench” to deal specially with the matters relating to society and its members, to secure social justice, one of the ideals of the Indian Constitution. His Lordship further directed that this Bench would function from 12th December; 2014 and in order to ensure that these matters are monitored on regular basis, will continue to sit on every working Friday at 2.00 p.m. This Bench will be comprising of Hon’hle Mr. Justice Madan B. Lokur and Hon’ble Mr. Justice Uday U. Lalit. Not only pending cases but fresh matters will also be dealt with by this Special Bench.
The electronic and print media are, therefore, requested to give wide publicity to the constitution of the Social Justice Bench so that all the stake holders including the Advocates and public will take a note of the purpose and objectives for which the Special Bench has been constituted.
Source- Supreme Court Circular