No. DE.23 ( 28 )/Sch.Br./2021/639
Dated: 21.11.21
Sub: Closure of Schools till Further Orders.
The Department of Environment, GNCTD vide order F. NO. 10 (13)/EN V/2020/Pt-2/5214- 5243 dated: 17th November, 2021 (Copy enclosed) has directed to close all the Schools with immediate effect till further orders of the Commission For Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas.
Therefore, in pursuance of the above mentioned order, all the Govt., Govt. Aided, Unaided Recognized, NDMC, MCDs and Delhi Cantonment Board Schools will remain closed till further orders. However, Online teaching learning activities and the examinations for Board classes would be conducted as per guidelines issued earlier vide Circular No. DE.23 ( 28 )/Sch.Br./2021/637 dated 14.11.2021.
All the Heads of Schools are hereby directed to disseminate this information among students, staff members, SMC members and parents.
This issues with prior approval of the Competent Authority.
Endl.: As above.
(Dr. Rita Sharma)
Addl. DE (School)
All the Heads of Schools of Delhi through DEL-E
No. DE.23 ( 28 )/Sch.Br./2021/639
Dated: 21.11.21
Copy to:-
1. PA to Pr. Secretary (Education).
2. PA to Director (Education).
3. All Directors (Education) of MCDs, NDMC and CEO of Delhi Cantonment Board to issue similar
4. All RDEs, DDEs (Districts/Zones) to ensure compliance.
5. OS (IT) to please paste it on the website.
6. Guard File.
(Dr. Anita Vats)
OSD (School)
Government of NCT of Delhi
6th Level, C-Wing, Delhi Secretariat, New Delhi-110002
Ph. 011-23392306 Fax: 011-23392034 e-mail:
F. No. 10 (13)/ENV/2020/Pt-2/5214-5243
Dated: 17th November, 2021
Sub:- Intensive actions and steps for effective control of air pollution in wake of the prevailing air quality scenario in Delhi – regarding,
WHEREAS, the Commission For Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas, constituted by the Ministry of Environment, Forests and Climate Change, Government of India, in exercise of the powers conferred under Section 3 of the Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas Act, 2021, has been highlighting that Road dust, dust from Construction and Demolition sites, Industrial Pollution, Vehicular Pollution, agricultural stubble burning, burning of biomass/ municipal solid waste, bursting of fire crackers etc. and unfavorable meteorological conditions in Delhi NCR particularly during the winter season are the major contributing factors for deterioration of air quality in the region.
WHEREAS, the Commission has repeatedly taken up the matter relating to air pollution in NCR with Government of NCT of Delhi and various organizations concerned and has issued Directions, Advisories and conveyed decisions for effective implementation of measures for abating air pollution in NCR region.
WHEREAS, the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India heard the Writ Petition (Civil) No. 1135 of 2020 titled as Aditya Dubey Vs. Union of India & Ors. on 15.11.2021 and 17.11.2021 over the air quality situation in Delhi and in respectful compliance of the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court on 15.11.2021, eighth Meeting of the Commission for Air Quality Management in NCR and Adjoining Areas was convened in an emergent mode on 16.11.2021, to consider taking further and more stringent steps to effectively control air pollution in identified sectors viz. construction activities, industries, transport, thermal power plants, stubble burning etc. and also for consideration of “Work From Home” by State Governments for their offices in the NCR.
WHEREAS, in compliance of Hon’ble Supreme Court orders, the Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas, in exercise of its powers conferred upon it under Section 12(2) (xi) of the Commission for Air Quality Management in National Capital Region and Adjoining Areas Act 2021 directed measures on Industrial Pollution, Vehicular Pollution / Transport ,Dust Control Measures, DG Sets and encouraging Work From Home (WFH) to further ease vehicular pollution to be implemented strictly with immediate effect.
NOW THEREFORE, in view of the facts stated above and the compelling need to improve the air quality in Delhi, the Competent Authority in Government of NCT of Delhi hereby directs the following actions to be implemented in letter and spirit under the strict supervision of the concerned heads of departments/authorities as indicated below:-
All these directions are being monitored by the Chief Secretary, GNCTD, on a regular basis for effective field level implementation and control of air pollution. The heads of the concerned Departments/Organizations/Corporations will personally and closely monitor the whole situation on a daily basis and ensure implementation of the above mentioned directions in letter and spirit without fail. The heads of Departments/Organizations /Corporations shall also ensure that the requisite information’s/ATR is submitted in the prescribed format in respect of each directions mentioned above daily by 5.00 PM without fail after ensuring the integrity of data by the Heads of the Departments to
It should be noted by all the heads of Departments/Organizations /Corporations that any negligence, laps and/or laxity noticed on the part of any Departments/Organizations /Corporations, would lead to initiation of strict actions against the erring officers/officials in a time bound manner. The authorities concerned shall adequately inform and sensitize the field functionaries about these instructions for strict compliance, in letter and spirit.
(Sanjeev Khirwar)
Pr. Secretary (Environment)
F. No. 10 (13)/ENV/2020/Pt-2/5214-5243 Dated: 17th November, 2021
Copy for compliance to:
1. All Additional Chief Secretaries/ Principal Secretaries/Secretaries/HODs of Govt. of NCT of Delhi.
2. The Vice Chairman, Delhi, Development Authority, Vikas Sadan, I.N.A., New Delhi
3. Commissioner of Police, Delhi
4. Chairman, New Delhi Municipal Council.
5.Secretary (Revenue)-cum-Divisional Commissioner, GNCTD
6. Secretary (Transport), GNCTD
7. Commissioner (South DMC/East DMC/North DMC).
8. Secretary (I&P) for wide publicity in NCT of Delhi
9. CEO, Delhi Cantonment Board.
10. All District Magistrates of Delhi
11. All District DCPs of Delhi
13. Delhi Fire Service
14. Member Secretary, DPCC, GNCTD
Copy for kind information to:‑
1. Secretary to Hon’ble Lt. Governor, Delhi
2. Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister, GNCTD
3. Secretary to Hon’ble Dy. Chief Minister, GNCTD
4. Secretary to Hon’ble Minister of Health, GNCTD
5. Secretary to Hon’ble Minister of Revenue, GNCTD
6. Secretary to Hon’ble Minister of General Administration Department, GNCTD
7. Secretary to Hon’ble Minister of Social Welfare, GNCTD
8. Secretary to Hon’ble Minister of Food & Supply, GNCTD
9. Chief Secretary (Home)/ State Nodal Officer, GNCTD
10. Chief Secretary (UD), GNCTD
11. Secretary (Environment), GNCTD
12. Guard file.
Copy to:
1. Secretary to Hon’ble Lieutenant Governor.
2. Secretary to Hon’ble Chief Minister, Delhi.
3. Secretary to Hon’ble Minister (E&F), GNCTD
4. OSD to Chief Secretary, Govt. of Delhi.
Download Delhi Government Order on Closure of Schools till Further Orders