The Insurance Regulator, IRDA of India has come out with another circular in furtherance to its previous Circular No. IRDAI/INT/CIR/CDB/19708/2017 dated 24.8.2017 which laid down the road map for the constitution of a Central Database of all the Licensed Insurance Sales Persons in India at Insurance Information Bureau of India (IIB), wherein the Insurance Intermediaries were advised to upload requisite details of Qualified Persons, Specified persons and Authorised verifiers of web aggregators on the database of IIB.
After the above, the second phase of ENVOY is now ready and Insurers are directed to upload details of their Individual Agents and Insurance Marketing Firm (IMFs) are directed to upload details of their Insurance Sales Persons in the prescribed format.
The web link for ENVOY is and the data formats for web upload, user guide and other details are available in a downloadable format from the web link. Insurers are advised to complete upload of their data not later than 30.6.2018.
Insurers may e-mail their request for creation of secure login credentials etc. to Shri Srikanth Pokkuluri (Head-IT) [srikanth.pokkuluri [at] iib [dot] gov [dot] in, 8008947272] and Shri Srinivas Sankar Sethi (Project manager) [srinivassethi [at] iib [dot] gov [dot] in, 9032723168] of IIB.
Please find below the web link for the official notification: