As of November 2024, India has 1,708 listed and 3,383 unlisted public companies with a paid-up capital of Rs. 100 crore or more or a turnover of Rs. 300 crore or more. These companies collectively have 34,121 directors, of which 6,639 are women. According to the Companies Act, 2013, companies in this category are required to have at least one woman director on their board. Companies that fail to comply face penalties under Section 172 of the Act. In the past three years, multiple companies have been penalized, with a total of Rs. 57.5 lakh in penalties collected. Prosecutions have been filed against several companies, but none in Andhra Pradesh. The government has not yet proposed additional measures to strengthen gender diversity mandates but emphasizes the importance of women’s participation in decision-making roles in these companies.
Women’s representation in Board of Directors in Companies
935. Shri Lavu Sri Krishna Devarayalu:
Shri S Venkatesan:
Will the Minister of CORPORATE AFFAIR be pleased to state:
a. the number of listed and unlisted public companies with paid-up capital of Rs. 100 crore or turnover of Rs. 300 crore in the country;
b. the total number of Directors in the Board of these companies and women Directors among them, company-wise;
c. the details of the number of companies nationwide and specifically in Andhra Pradesh that have been subjected to penal action for non-compliance of appointing a woman director on their board, along with year-wise details of penalties imposed and collected;
d. whether the Government has reviewed the impact of this mandate on gender diversity in corporate boards across the country and if so, the details thereof; and
e. whether there are any further plans to strengthen gender diversity initiatives within companies and if so, the details thereof?
Minister of State in the Ministry of Corporate Affairs; Minister of State in the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways.
(Shri Harsh Malhotra)
(a) : As on 15.11.2024, there are 1,708 no. of Listed Companies and 3,383 no. of Unlisted Public Companies having a paid-up capital of Rs. 100 crore and more or turnover of Rs. 300 crore and more.
(b) : As per the Companies Act, 2013, private companies are required to have minimum 2 directors and public companies are required to have minimum 3 directors on their Board. As such the total no. of directors in the above-mentioned companies are 34,121 out of which 6,639 directors are women. List of these companies can be seen at the link : %252BDwMYTw%253D%253D&type=open and GX%252FaE2wYigRPBl%252BQ%253D%253D&type=open
(c) : As per Second proviso to sub-section (1) of section 149 of the Act a prescribed class of companies shall have at least one-woman director. As per Rule 3 of Companies (Appointment and Qualification of Directors) Rules, 2014, every listed company and every other public company having paid up share capital of Rs. 100 crore or more or having a turnover of Rs. 300 crore or more is required to appoint at least one-woman director on its board. In case a company makes default in complying with this provision of the Act, the company and every officer of the company who is in default is liable for penalty provided under section 172 of the Act.
Section 172 of the Act was a criminal offence till the Companies (Amendment) Act, 2020 on 28.9.2020. The violation of section 149 of the Act after notification is subject to adjudication. In case of nonpayment of adjudication penalty, prosecution is filed by Registrar of Companies u/s 454 of the Act. Year-wise details of penalties imposed and collected, for the last 3 years is attached as per Annexure -I and the list of prosecutions filed are as per Annexure – II. Penal action has not been taken against any company registered in the State of Andhra Pradesh.
(d) & (e) : There were no provisions making it mandatory for a prescribed class of companies to have at least one-woman director, as mentioned above, in the Companies Act, 1956. The above-mentioned provisions in the Act have been inserted with a view to encourage the participation of women in the management and decision making process in the identified class of companies. There is no proposal to further amend the above provisions at present.
Annexure – I
List of year-wise details of penalties imposed and collected for violation of Section 149 of the Companies Act, 2013.
S. No. | Financial Year | Companies Name | CIN | Penalty imposed | Penalty collected |
1 | 2021-22 | Reliance Broadcast Network Limited | U64200MH200 5PLC158355 | 6,10,500 | 6,10,500 |
2 | 2021-22 | Great Western Industries Limited | U93090TN199 7PLC037593 | 1,59,000 | 1,59,000 |
3 | 2022-23 | UGL Engineering Private Limited | U74999MH201 3PTC246084 | 2,70,000 | 2,70,000 |
4 | 2022-23 | Juhu Beach Resorts Limited |
U55200MH197 4PLC017128 | 2,50,000 | 2,50,000 |
5 | 2022-23 | Securekloud Technologies Limited | L72300TN199 3PLC101852 | 2,50,000 | 2,50,000 |
6 | 2022-23 | Premier Energy and Infrastructure Limited | L45201TN198 8PLC015521 | 1,50,000 | 1,50,000 |
7 | 2022-23 | Gemmia Oiltech (India) Limited | L74999TN199 3PLC026312 | 1,00,000 | 1,00,000 |
8 | 2022-23 | Sapphire Media And Infrastructure Limited | L93090TN199 7PLC039630 | 2,00,000 | 2,00,000 |
9 | 2022-23 | Sarash Industries Limited | L51909TN199 5PLC030554 | 2,00,000 | 2,00,000 |
10 | 2022-23 | Easun Reyrolle Limited |
L31900TN197 4PLC006695 | 50,000 | 50,000 |
11 | 2022-23 | Usha Marin Limited | U05004AP198 3PTC004254 | 7,50,000 | 7,50,000 |
12 | 2023-24 | JM Financial Properties and Holdings Limited | U65990MH201 0PLC201513 | 4,85,500 | 4,85,500 |
13 | 2023-24 | MSRDC Sea
Link Limited |
U45200MH201 8SGC315536 | 1,85,000 | Penalty not paid |
14 | 2023-24 | Krishna Solvechem Limited | U51102MH200 6PLC160204 | 4,85,000 | Penalty not paid |
15 | 2023-24 | Shankar Packaging Limited | U25202MH198 5PLC036120 | 4,85,000 | 4,85,000 |
16 | 2023-24 | City Corporation Limited | U45202PN200 3PLC018435 | 5,20,500 | 5,20,500 |
17 | 2023-24 | Info-Drive Software Limited | L36999TN198 8PLC015475 | 1,00,000 | 1,00,000 |
18 | 2023-24 | Pentagon Global Solutions Limited | U73100TN199 5PLC030734 | 4,00,000 | Penalty not paid |
19 | 2023-24 | Helios And Matheson Information Technology Limited | L72291TN199 1PLC020443 | 2,00,000 | 2,00,000 |
20 | 2023-24 | Dolariel Financial Services Limited | U65191TN199 3PLC026395 | 1,00,000 | 1,00,000 |
21 | 2023-24 | Rock Hard Petro Chemical Industries Ltd | L24111MP197 4PLC001297 | 8,00,000 | Penalty not paid |
22 | 2023-24 | Dujohn Labora tori Limited | L24232MP199 2FLC007258 | 6,00,000 | Penalty not paid |
23 | 2023-24 | Maya Spinners Limited | L17124MP198 4PLC002612 | 6,00,000 | Penalty not paid |
24 | 2023-24 | Sanghvi Asbestos Cements Limited | L26942MP198 4PLC002520 | 5,00,000 | Penalty not paid |
25 | 2023-24 | We Internet Limited | L70100MP198 0P1C001643 | 6,00,000 | Penalty not paid |
26 | 2023-24 | GFI Financials India Limited | L67120MP199 2PLC007196 | 4,00,000 | Penalty not paid |
27 | 2023-24 | C.T. Cotton
Yarn Limited |
L17111MP199 3PLC007834 | 6,00,000 | Penalty not paid |
28 | 2023-24 | E-Metals India Limited | L67120MP199 3PLC007899 | 5,00,000 | Penalty not paid |
29 | 2023-24 | M.P. Telelinks Limited | L31200MP199 4PLC008359 | 6,00,000 | Penalty not paid |
30 | 2023-24 | Endo Labs Limited | L24232MP199 4PLC008476 | 8,00,000 | Penalty not paid |
31 | 2023-24 | Global Films and Broadcasting Limited | L09233MP199 5PLC009505 | 5,00,000 | Penalty not paid |
Annexure – II
List of the year-wise of prosecution filed for violation of Section 149 of the A Companies Act, 2013.
S. No. | Financial Year | Companies Name | CIN |
1 | 2021-22 | Acclaim Industries Limited | L74950MH1991PLC068270 |
2 | 2021-22 | Suryoday Allo-Metal Powders Limited | U27203PN1993PLC074773 |
3 | 2023-24 | Satkar Electronics Limited | L32300MH1987PLC045274 |
4 | 2023-24 | Ghodwat Consumer Limited | U15100PN2002PLC017370 |
5 | 2023-24 | Marmagoa Steel Limited | L27106GA1987PLC000764 |
6 | 2023-24 | Rock Hard Petro Chemical Industries Ltd | L24111MP1974PLC001297 |
7 | 2023-24 | Dujohn Laboratory Limited |
L24232MP1992FLC007258 |
8 | 2023-24 | Maya Spinners Limited | L17124MP1984PLC002612 |
9 | 2023-24 | Sanghvi Asbestos Cements Limited | L26942MP1984PLC002520 |
10 | 2023-24 | We Internet Limited | L70100MP1980P1C001643 |
11 | 2023-24 | GFI Financials India Limited | L67120MP1992PLC007196 |
12 | 2023-24 | C.T. Cotton Yarn Limited | L17111MP1993PLC007834 |
13 | 2023-24 | E-Metals India Limited | L67120MP1993PLC007899 |
14 | 2023-24 | M.P. Telelinks Limited | L31200MP1994PLC008359 |
15 | 2023-24 | Endo Labs Limited | L24232MP1994PLC008476 |
16 | 2023-24 | Global Films and Broadcasting Limited | L09233MP1995PLC009505 |