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Who is the Significant Beneficial Owner ?

In relation to a reporting company means an individual referred to in sub-section (1) of section 90, who acting alone or together, or through one or more persons or trust, possesses one or more of the following rights or entitlements in such reporting company, namely:

1. Holds more than 10% of shares or

2. Holds more than 10% of the voting rights in shares or

3. Participate in more than 10% of total distributive dividend

4. Exercise significant influence or control, other than direct holdings

When an individual shall be considered to hold a right or entitlement  indirectly in the reporting company :

Meaning of the specific terms :

1. Majority Stake :

  • holding more than 50% of the equity share capital in the body corporate or
  • holding more than 50% of the voting rights in the body corporate or
  • having the right to receive or participant in more than 50% of the distributable dividend or any other distributions by the body corporate

2. Together i.e. Person Acting in Concert :

  • If any individual or individual acting through any person or trust, act with common intent or significant influence or exercising control or purpose of exercising any rights or entitlement.
  • Over Reporting Company, pursuant to an agreement or understanding, than such individual or individuals, acting through any person or trust, shall be deemed to be “acting person”


  • Shares include : Equity shares, GDR, ADR, CCP, CCD

Rules not applicable to the extent the shares of the reporting company is held by :

  • IEPF Authority
  • It’s holding reporting company (however the details of such holding company shall be reported in BEN-2 by subsidiary or wholly owned subsidiary.
  • The central government, state government, or any other local authority
  • a reporting company, or a body corporate, or an entity, controlled by the Central Government or by any State Government or Governments, or partly by the Central Government and partly by one or more State Governments;
  • SEBI registered Investment Vehicles such as mutual funds, alternative investment funds (AIF), Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs), Infrastructure Investment Trust regulated by the Securities and Exchange Board of India,
  • investment Vehicles regulated by Reserve Bank of India, or Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India, or Pension Fund Regulatory and Development Authority

Declaration of SBO

  • SBO is required to file a declaration in Form No. BEN-1 to the reporting company, within 90 days from 08th February 2019.
  • Every individual, who subsequently becomes a SBO or where his SBO undergoes any change shall file a declaration in Form No. BEN-1 to the reporting company, within thirty days of acquiring such significant beneficial ownership or any change therein.
  • Clarification regarding the individual becoming SBO or any change therein during the 90 days from 08th February 2019. It shall be deemed that such individual became the significant beneficial owner or any change therein happened on the date of expiry of ninety days from the date of commencement of said rules, and the period of thirty days for filing will be reckoned accordingly.


STEP-1 :  The Company should check whether any member is Non-Individual and holding more than 10% of  shares, voting rights, right to receive or participate in the dividend or any other distribution payable in a financial year in the company.

STEP -2 : Sending notices to the Non-Individual members in Form No. BEN-4 seeking information to furnish the Significant Beneficial Owner of the shares.

STEP-3 : Receiving the duly filled FORM No. BEN-4 from the Non-Individual members who is holding more than 10% of the shares in the company . [Timeline – Within 30 days of date of notice in Form No. BEN-4]

STEP-4 : Receiving Form No. BEN-1 from the Significant Beneficial Owner : [Timeline – Within 90 days from the commencement of these rules (i.e. 09.05.2019)]

STEP-5 : Filing of E-form No. BEN-2 with ROC by the Company. [Timeline – Within 30 days from the date of receipt of declaration in Form No. BEN-1 from the SBO]

STEP-6 : Maintaining Register in Form No. BEN-3


General Assumptions :

H1, H2, etc are the Holding Companies
R is the Reporting/Targer Companies
RH is the Reporting Holding companies
I1, I2,etc are the Individuals
F1, F2, etc are the foreign body corporate.

1. Case -1 : Direct holding need not be declared.

a) I1 —- holding 20% in —– R

As per the Explanation I of Rule 2 (1) (h), unless there is any indirect holdings, there is no need to declare SBO.   Further, as per Explanation II, point – 1, the shares held by I1 in his own name in the R is to be considered as Direct holding.
[SBO declaration not required].

b) I1 —- holding 10% in —— H1 — holding 15% in —— R

I1 has already made declaration under sub section 2 of section 89.

As per the Explanation I of Rule 2 (1) (h), unless there is any indirect holdings, there is no need to declare SBO. Further, as per Explanation II, point – 2, if the I1 declares his holding or beneficial interest in the R under section 89 (2) then such holding or interest shall be considered as Direct holding.

[SBO declaration not required].

c) I1 —- holding 5% in —–R
I2 — holding 7% in —–R

As per the Explanation I of Rule 2 (1) (h), unless there is any indirect holdings, there is no need to declare SBO.  I1 and I2 are the Person Acting together, and their holding is more than 10%. However, in the interpretation of Explanation I, no need disclosure required.
[SBO declaration not required].

2. Case-2 : Indirect holding declaration

I1 —- holding 60% in —— H1 — holding 15% in —— R

As per the Explanation I of Rule 2 (1) (h), unless there is any indirect holdings, there is no need to declare SBO.  The Indirect holding of I1 is greater than 10% in R. (i.e. the entire 15% holding of H1 in R shall be considered as significant influence of I1 in the R).

[SBO declaration required].

a) I1 —– holding 20% in —– R

I1 —– holding 60% in —— H1 —– holding 2% in —– R

As per the Explanation I of Rule 2 (1) (h), unless there is any indirect holdings, there is no need to declare SBO. Here, the indirect holding of  I1 along with the direct and indirect holding is greater than 10% (i.e. 20 % + 2% = 22%)
[SBO declaration required].

b) I1 —- holding 10% in —— H1 — holding 15% in —— R
I1 —- holding 20% in ——H2 —-holding 5 % in ——R

I1 has already made his declaration of his holdings / interest in H1 under sub section 2 of section 89. – Considered as Direct Holding
However, he has not declared his holdings / interest in H2 – Considered as Indirect Holding

As per the Explanation I of Rule 2 (1) (h), unless there is any indirect holdings, there is no need to declare SBO.   Further, as per Explanation II, point – 2, if the I1 declares his holding or beneficial interest in the R under section 89 (2) then such holding or interest shall be considered as Direct holding.

Here, the indirect holding of  I1 along with the direct and indirect holding is greater than 10% (i.e. 15 % + 5% = 20%)

[SBO declaration required].

c) I1 —– holding 7% in —- R
HUF (I1 is the Karta) —- holding 8% in —– R

As per Explanation III (ii) of Rule 2 (1) ( h), the shares held by HUF are considered as indirect holding of the Karta. Here, the Indirect holding of I1 along with the direct holding is greater than 10 % (i.e. 7% + 8% = 15%).
[SBO declaration is required].

d) I1 (Minor) —– holding 8% in —- R
HUF (I2 is the Karta ) —- holding 3% in —– R

(Note: I1 is the minor member and I2 is the karta of HUF)

I1 and I2 being the members of same HUF, deemed to be considered as person acting together.

I2 is the Karta of HUF, therefore he is having indirect holding in R. The indirect of I2 along with the direct holding of I1 is greater than 10%. Therefore the direct holding of I1 and indirect holding of I2 need to be declared.

[SBO declaration is required].

e) I1 —-holding 2% in R
I1 —- holding 55% in —— H3 —– holding 70% in ——H2 —– holding 70% in —– H1 —— holding 9% in R.

I1 is having direct holding of 2% in R.
Further, I1 is holding the majority stake in the ultimate holding Company (i.e. H3), hence the entire holding of H1 in the R shall be attributed to I1.

The indirect holding of I1 along with the direct holding is greater than 10%               (i.e. 9% + 2% = 11%)
[SBO declaration is required].

f) H1 —- holding 30% in —— R (I1 —- holding 55% in —— H1)
H2 —– holding 30% in —– R
H3 —– holding 30% in —– R

I1 is having the majority stake H1. The entire holding of H1 will be considered of I1. And that holding is more than 10%.
[SBO declaration is required].

g) H1 —- holding 20% in —– R
I1, I2, I3, holding 25%, 20%, 30%, respectively in —– H1.

Here, I1, I2, I3, are deemed to be person acting together, hence their shareholding will be clubbed. They hold the majority shares in H1 (i.e. 75%). Hence, the declaration of SBO is required by I1, I2, I3 in H1.

FAQ on BEN-2

Q.1 Purpose of filing the form : When to select the radio button “for declaration of holding reporting company” ?

Ans: When the Subsidiary or the Wholly Owned Subsidiary company files the SBO.

The SBO for subsidiary or wholly owned subsidiary will be the same SBO which was declared by the ultimate holding / holding company.

Q.2 What is the Number of Significant Beneficial Owners for whom the form is being filed ?

Ans : The individuals or person acting together, taking into consideration the indirect control along with the direct control in the reporting company, are to be considered as SBO.

Example : In case 2, (point d), there are 2 SBO.

One is Minor holding directly, and second is Karta holding indirectly with the Minor.

Q.3 Which is the date to be mentioned in the “ date of acquiring Significant Beneficial Interest” ?

Ans : Th concept of SBO came on 8th February 2019, when the revised rules were notified. Hence the date shall be mentioned as “08th February 2019”.

Q.4 Which is the date to be mentioned in the “date of declaration under sub-section (1) of section 90.

Ans: The date when the individual declared as SBO in BEN-1 form.

Q.5 When there are more than 2 SBO, do we need to take out ratio of each individual as per his holding in the member or reporting company ?

Ans: No need to take out ratio. The entire stake of the member in the reporting company shall be considered as percentage which each SBO is holding.

Further, the additional attachment shall be give in BEN-2 clarifying that the entire holding of member in reporting company is attributed to all the SBO collectively and not divided among them.

Q.6 Is Section -8 Company is a specific trust ?

Ans: Section -8 Companies are incorporated with the specific intent, but they are not trust as they are incorporated under the Companies Act 2013 or eartwhile.

Q.7 What to do if there are more than 9 SBO ?

Ans: Either the Company can file the additional attachment in BEN-2 stating the additional SBO which a reporting company have or else can file another BEN-2 for the remaining SBOs’.

Q.8 What does the share comprise of ?

Ans: The shares comprise of equity shares, CCD, CCP, GDR, ADR.

Q.9 Is the Preference share part of share ?

Ans: No. The preference share is not part of the equity shares, as the preference shareholder does not have any voting right or does not influence the reporting company.

Q.10 If there has been change in the holding of SBO, do we require to file to two BEN-2?

Ans: Yes. Initial BEN-2 shall be filed as on date of 08th Feb 2019, i.e. the holding of SBO as on 08th feb 2019, shall be disclosed when filing initial BEN-2 form.

Further, if there was any change in the holding of SBO, then the new BEN-2 shall be filed for the SBO against the ID generated by initial BEN-2 form.

Q.11 If the holding company or ultimate holding company is not filing BEN-2 return, then does the subsidiary or wholly owned subsidiary company requires to file BEN-2 return.

Ans: Subsidiary or Wholly owned subsidiary shall file the same SBO which is filed by the holding / ultimate holding company. In such case it would be because the holding reporting company had not identified any SBO; but simultaneously if the subsidiary company or Wholly owned subsidiary company identifies the SBO, then such company shall file the BEN-2, by selecting radio button second “For declaration of Significant Beneficial Ownership under Section 90” of the Form.

Q.12 If there are two individual (husband and wife) holding equal percentage of the stake (i.e. 50% is hold by each individual) in the member of reporting company, then do we need to consider such individuals as SBO?

Ans: In the Spirit of Law: Yes. They are person acting together and collectively their holding is 100%. Hence they are holding the majority stake as per the Explanation III (I) of Rule 2 (1) (h).

Q.13 Is it mandatory to consider the relatives as “person acting together “ to calculate the majority stake or significant influence.

Ans: The law talks about the actual control exercised by the individual acting alone or together indirectly.

The concept of deemed person acting together is provided under the SEBI (SAST) regulations. Here, the Law talks about actual control, hence mere on prima facie of blood relations, individuals can’t be stated as person acting together. There may be the instances where though the individuals are connected through blood relationship, but their decisions and controls are not influenced by each other. And no one can challenge the same. But however, one has to always the interpret the provisions in the spirit of Law.

Q.14 Are Subsidiary and Wholly Owned Subsidiary are exempted from filing BEN-2 ?

Ans: No. As per the rule 8 of SBO rules, the subsidiary or wholly owned subsidiary companies need to file BEN-2 by selecting the first radio button i.e. “For declaration of holding reporting company”.

Disclaimer : The views presented are personal and has nothing to do with where I am employed. Views are in general form and not as legal advice.


Author Bio

CS Kavita Shah, is Practicing Company Secretary based in Mumbai. She is experienced in handling the secretarial and corporate compliance for the Private and Public Limited Companies. She has even render her professional services to some top Nifty Fifty Companies. She purely believes that "Every Prob View Full Profile

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  1. Shubham says:

    PQR LLP (Reporting LLP) has 2 Partners:

    – XYZ LTD hold 80% (Body Corporate)
    – Mr. L hold 20% (Individual)

    XYZ LTD has 3 shareholders:

    Mr. X hold 50% (individual),
    Mr. A hold 1% (individual) &
    ABC PVT LTD hold 49% (body corporate).

    ABC PVT LTD has 2 shareholders
    Mr. X holding 99% (individual) &
    Mr. M 20% (individual).

    Except Mr. L all are related parties in some or the
    other way.

    How will the provisions of LLP (SBO) Rules 2023 will be applicable in this case and what will be the percentage of beneficial interest that will be reported to the reporting LLP by XYZ LTD?

  2. SANJIV JAIN says:


  3. Saraskumar says:

    Regarding family members’ holding shares in the member company together 100% in the member company, the question as to whether more than one individuals of a family are holding majority stake or not, in the shareholding company or its ultimate holding company, is totally irrelevant in this case, keeping in view of Explanation III(i) to Rule 2(h) of the Rules which implies majority stake by an Individual alone only (ie individual acting alone and neither acting together, nor through one or more persons or trust as enumerated under Section 90(1) of the Act and Rule 2(1)(h) of the Rules)

  4. SRISHTI DUA says:



  5. Neha Singhal says:

    There is a reporting company A Ltd. which is a 100 % subsidiary of a company A Inc, USA.
    It has 101 equity shares, out of which 100 shares are with Co A Inc. (Member Company) and 1 share is with Mr. CEO.
    Among 100 shares of Co. A Inc., Mr. CEO has 28 shares and Mr. X has 13 shares and Ms. Y has 13 shares and Mr. Z has 25 shares.
    So SBO declaration in Form BEN 1 has to be given by only Mr. CEO to company A ltd. with indirect holding of 28 % and direct holding of 0.99 %.
    My question is about the Voting right column of Form BEN 2 for both direct & Indirect holding i.e. :-
    What is to be written for Mr. CEO in his voting right % of:-
    Indirect holding (as equity shares comes with voting right also) so whether here voting right will be written as 28% or something else; and
    Direct Holding (as Co. A ltd. has only one share and that too is with Mr. CEO only) so whether here voting right will be written as 100 % or 0.99 % or something else?

  6. Nikhil Chhabria says:

    I1 — Holding 40% in —– F1 ——— Holding 90% in R

    Here, would I1 fall under definition of SBO as per Section 90 ?

  7. Parth says:

    If suppose the one is SBO since the incorporation of the company then which is to be mentioned incorporation date or 08/02/2019?

  8. Priyashree says:

    Reporting Company having 3 members i.e A holds 15% , B holds 15% & ABC Co. holds 70%.

    and in ABC Co.= P holds 1% , Q holds 1% , XYZ LLP holds 80% & PQR LLP holds 18%.

    Here, XYZ LLP does hold majority stake in ABC Co, so as per section & rules SBO Declaration will be Required by partners of LLP.

    Please Clarify

  9. Pankaj Singh says:

    Hi Kavita,

    Thanks for this this wonderful article. It is very useful.

    Would appreciate if you can draw some light on applicability of SBO on redeemable optional convertible preference shares . Meaning thereby preference shares has been allotted to by the Company to it share holder which is actually Pvt Ltd Company with option to either convert it into equity shares in future or exit with IRR@12%.


    If holding company not have any SBO and Subsidiary also not have any SBO. Still Subsidiary Company required to file BEN 2, if yes, that what type of declaration to be attach with BEN 2

  11. surbhi says:

    In the following situation please help in identifying SBO-
    ABC Ltd is reporting Company.
    Mr. A, NRI holds 33.33 in Z Ltd(Netherland), Z holds 100% in Y Ltd(China), Y Ltd holds 80% in C LTD ( Itley ) and C Ltd Holds 99.99% % in ABC LTD (Indian Reporting co.).
    Is Mr.A SBO ? If yes then how much % he holds indirectly in ABC Ltd.

  12. Ishita lal says:

    Please clarify:
    If mr A has 53% shareholding in B ltd which in turn has 12% shareholding in reporting co.
    Also A is holding 51% shareholding of C ltd which holds 30% of B ltd.
    So while filing form ben 2
    i) whether in the no. Of members through which the individual is an sbo will be 1 i.e.through b Ltd
    ii) If so what will be the indirect holding percentage of mr A?

  13. ANKIT AGRAWAL says:


  14. S.P.SINGLA says:


  15. Kavita Dipesh Shah says:

    In Case -2 of Indirect Holding
    Sub-case – g

    I1 , I2, I3 are SBO in R. And R need to declare

    and please ignore the declaration required in H1. SBO in BEN-2

  16. Aditi says:

    A pvt. Ltd. ( Reporting Co.) has 3 members:

    X1 (10% shareholding )
    X2 (10% shareholding) &
    B pvt. Ltd. having 80% shareholding .

    Now B pvt ltd.has 4 individual members :

    X1 ( 30% shareholding)
    X2 ( 30% sharehoding)
    X3 ( 20% shareholding)
    X4 ( 20% shareholding)

    None of the individual member has majority stake in the body corporate B pvt. ltd. and None of them are related to each other.
    Kindly advice on the applicability of BEN-2?

  17. Anil says:

    A pvt. Ltd. ( Reporting Co.) has 3 members:

    X1 (10% shareholding )
    X2 (10% shareholding) &
    B pvt. Ltd. having 80% shareholding .

    Now B pvt ltd.has 4 individual members :

    X1 ( 30% shareholding)
    X2 ( 30% sharehoding)
    X3 ( 20% shareholding)
    X4 ( 20% shareholding)

    None of the individual member has majority stake in the body corporate B pvt. ltd. but all are family members related to each other. Are they deemed to be acting together?
    X1 and X2 are brothers having both direct and indirect holding in A pvt. ltd. Do they all qualify as Significant beneficial owners through their indirect holding in A pvt. ltd. through its member i.e. B pvt. Ltd. ?

  18. Nikita says:

    In the following situation please help in identifying SBO-
    ABC Private limited has 5 shareholders A holding 2.03% shares B also 2.03% C (Foreigner individual) holding 26.27% D (Foreigner individual) holding 26.33% and PTE ltd(Foreign company) holding 43.34% shares in ;PTE ltd there are 3 shareholders A holding 34 % C 33% and D 33% ..

    Kindly advice on the applicability of BEN-2 on the reporting company ABC Pvt.

    What are the reporting requirement for ABC Pvt Ltd

  19. Dhaval Patel says:

    Dear Mam,

    In case “b” of Indirect holding

    b) I1 —- holding 10% in —— H1 — holding 15% in —— R
    I1 —- holding 20% in ——H2 —-holding 5 % in —R

    Here, I1 does not hold majority stake in H1 & H2 and you said SBO Declaration Required.

    Please Clarify

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