ICAI has set up Committee for Review of Education and Training (CRET) and members of committee have invited suggestions.
Following are my suggestions
Article ship period should be bifurcated into 2 parts. 2 years of Articleship, then 1 year time for preparation for CA Final and 9 months of mandatory Industrial training Post Qualifying
Institute should conduct placement drive for Industrial training too
Maximum Articles that a CA/CA Firms can train should be linked to it’s gross revenue and not experience of a CA
MCQ based assessment should be given weightage and going fwd focus must shift to at least 50% MCQs
Case studies based Q’s must be asked in exams
Economics should be given more focus as CAs lack knowledge related to Economics.
Practical Training based assessment should be give at most importance and marksheet must have grades regarding how student performed in these tests.
In ITT/GMCS etc, focus must be towards trainings regarding various softwares, various govt websites and various forms to make it more interesting. These trainings should happen more often and period should be included in training period
Certificate must be awarded to those who have completed CA Inter+2 years of Article ship. This recognition is very important.
CA Foundation papers should be 100% Descriptive (this should not change) and difficulty level should be at par with IIT, IIMs, JEE etc.
These were few suggestions from my end. CAs were, are and shall always be Partner’s in Nation Building