I am attaching herewith copy of Email from CA Anuj Goyal, Chairman, Professional Development Committee ob above subject. Email is as follows:-
Dear Professional Colleagues,
As you are all aware that Reserve Bank of India has recently formulated a new procedure for Appointment of Branch Statutory Auditors in Public Sector Banks for the Year 2008-09. I can assure that PDC is taking all necessary steps to ensure that allotment is done in a suitable manner.
In this context I am attaching herewith a brief summary of new “Procedure for Appointment of Branch Statutory Auditors in Public Sector Banks for the Year 2008-09” and frequently asked questions which is also hosted on the website at http://www.icai. org/post. html?post_ id=4034. In case you need any further clarification, please do not hesitate to call us on:
2)09910431262- CA Manish Bhalla
3)09313905606- Mr. Kapil Aggarwal
You can send e-mail at pdc@icai.org
With best wishes and kind regards,
(CA Anuj Goyal)Chairman, Professional Development Committee