Group for looking into the appointments/reappointments of statutory/internal auditors of various units of ICAI for the year 2016-17 – (09-08-2016)
No.M-626/2016 Dated: 8th August, 2016
Madam/Dear Sir,
The Management Committee, at its 12th (Adjourned) meeting held on 7th August, 2016, while considering Item No.27, ‘Appointment/Reappointment of Statutory Auditors/Internal Auditors of various units of ICAI for the year 2016-17 and fixation of their remuneration’ has constituted a Group for (i) looking into the appointments/reappointments of statutory/internal auditors of various units of ICAI for the year 2016-17 suggested by the Audit Committee; and (ii) suggesting the criteria to be followed for such appointments in future to the Management Committee. The Group comprises of the following members:-
- CA. Prakash Sharma
- CA. Sripriya Kumar
- CA. M.P. Vijay Kumar
- CA. Prafulla P. Chhajed, Convenor
CA Sonali Das Halder, Deputy Secretary will act as Secretary to the said group.
Yours faithfully,
( V. Sagar )
Source- ICAI