This article provides valuable tips and suggestions to assist all the taxpayers in saving their taxes that are to be paid for the financial year 2019-2020. This article is packed with real-life comprehensive illustrations which shall give all the readers thorough insights to lower their tax incidence and will also help them understand the tax provisions & implications in a finer way
Discover the new additions and updates in the ITR-2 form for the financial year 2019-20. Learn how to file your income tax returns online with ease.
In this article we shall discuss what is a Hindu Undivided Family (HUF) or Joint Hindu Family (JHF) as per various laws. We shall trace the history and evolution of HUF/JHF and also discover how HUFs can help you save taxes! We shall also discuss on how to form an HUF and what are the various benefits/advantages of forming an HUF.
Deduction Under Section 80D In Relation To Health Insurance Premium/Medical Expenditure & A Few Important Points To Be Kept In Mind Before Investing In A Health Insurance Policy! Medical or Health Insurance is gaining popularity in India these days. After the spread of COVID-19 pandemic, having a health insurance policy has become inevitable! Medical emergencies […]
ITR-4 | Key Insertions in the Income Tax Return form Now Available for E-Filing at Income Tax Portal for Assessment Year (AY) 2020-21 / Financial Year (FY) 2019-20 Recently, the government (CBDT) notified the revised Income Tax Return Forms (ITR) for the financial year 2019-20 (AY 2020-21) including ITR-4. Today i.e. on the 5th of […]
Key additions in newly notified income tax return form – 1 (ITR-1) – now available for E-filing At income tax portal Recently, the government (CBDT) notified the revised Income Tax Return Forms (ITR) for the financial year 2019-20 (A/Y 2020-21). Today i.e. on 2nd of June, 2020, just after 2 days of the said notification, […]
The CBDT has notified the Income Tax Returns (ITR Forms i..e. ITR 1 to ITR 7) for the FY 2019-2020 (AY 2020-2021) vide Notification No. 31/2020-Income Tax Dated- 29/05/2020, which became effective from 30th May, 2020. Glad to see this notified a day before than what the department committed. Six key changes in newly notified […]
What Taxes shall you pay for Financial Year 2019-2020 – A complete tax guide for income tax computation In India, every year, the Finance Minister announces an annual Union Budget for the up-coming financial year. According to Article 112 of the Indian Constitution, the Union Budget of a year (referred to as the annual financial […]
India is the second-most populous country; seventh-largest country by area and the most colossal democracy in the world. To run such a cosmic nation, the government requires a lot of resources. Such resources are collected in form of taxes, the primary aim of which is to fund the governance of the nation. The money so […]
Article explains about Income Tax on Income distributed to Unit Holders by Mutual Funds (Detailed analysis with amendments made by Finance Act, 2020 and with illustrations on pre and post budget 2020 changes). India has plethora of investment instruments which are available, for an investor, to park his idle funds. At times, it becomes really […]