Unlock the value of Internal Auditing as a mechanism for organizational enhancement. Explore its traditional role in ensuring controls and accuracy, and delve into the modern approach of providing analysis, recommendations, and valuable insights. Discover the diverse scope covering information reliability, compliance, asset safeguarding, resource efficiency, and goal accomplishment. Elevate your business with Internal Audit’s proactive problem-solving and future-focused contributions.
Explore the basics of accounting with a focus on General Purpose Financial Statements and their Qualitative Characteristics. Learn how financial information caters to informed decision-making for investors, lenders, and creditors. Dive into the four essential qualitative characteristics: Understandability, Relevance, Reliability, and Comparability, ensuring financial statements provide meaningful and reliable insights for effective analysis and decision-making.
Any Check/Procedure/Action developed in Business Organizations with an intent to safeguard assets/reduce chances of fraud and errors/ generation of reliable financial Information are called Internal Control Systems.
Explore the MPBF system of credit dispensation and its rigidities in India. Learn about the relaxations permitted by RBI during the financial liberalization process.
Project is a way of organizing resources. Whenever a business has to be started funds are needed. Funds can be owned funds of Promoters or can be borrowed by them. Banks lend money according to the purpose – various means in which those funds shall be applied.
Learn the basics of banking reconciliation setup and process at banks. Understand how inter-office accounts are managed and reconciled in the CBS environment.
Learn the basics of banking: reconciliations in bank branches and inter-office transactions. Understand how to resolve suspense and sundry deposit accounts.
Uncover the basics of banking and the disclosure requirements in financial statements. Learn about accounting policies and practices for a true and fair representation.
Dive into the Basics of Banking: Explore the structure of Profit and Loss Account for banking companies. Understand sections, including Income, Expenditure, Profit/Loss, and Appropriations. Learn about key schedules, eligibility criteria for dormant status, and filing requirements. Stay informed with the latest insights on banking financials.
Explore the Basics of Banking: Delve into Schedule 3 on Deposits, covering Demand, Savings, and Term Deposits from Banks and Others. Uncover insights on interest, branch deposits, and special considerations. Discover Schedule 4 on Borrowings, detailing sources like Reserve Bank of India, Other Banks, and Institutions. Gain clarity on secured borrowings and inter-office transactions.