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Navneet Singal

Latest Posts by Navneet Singal

No disallowance u/s 14A if assessee does not have tax-free income

October 20, 2020 15731 Views 0 comment Print

Section 14A has been inserted in Chapter IV of the Income tax Act by the Finance Act, 2001, with retrospective effect from 1-4-1962. This Section provides for disallowance of expenditure incurred in relation to income which is not included in the total income of the assessee (i.e. exempt income). The operative part of this Section reads as under:

Journey from e-return to Faceless Assessment Scheme- Interpretation & thought process of Income-tax Department

September 4, 2020 9381 Views 2 comments Print

In India, CBDT first time introduced the e-tds return by electronic filing of returns of Tax Deducted at Source Scheme, 2003 in the FY 2004-05. This was the time when Income-tax Department started to collect the assesses’ data in the digital form.

Transfer Pricing: Identification of Tested Party, whether assessee or associated enterprise

June 19, 2020 47911 Views 0 comment Print

Transfer pricing is the concept where a controlled transaction between two associated enterprises (AEs) is compared with an uncontrolled transaction under the similar circumstances in respect of price or margin. The process of transfer pricing is consist of two analysis i.e. Financial analysis and Economic analysis.

Director remuneration: Applicability of GST amid controversial rulings of AAR

May 28, 2020 2955 Views 0 comment Print

I am analyzing the applicability of the GST provisions under the current regime on Director remuneration with a reference to the erstwhile Service Tax regime, Companies Act, 2013, Income-tax Act, 1961 and other relevant laws and case laws cited.

A commendable work by IRS task force to fight COVID-19 Pandemic

May 1, 2020 3261 Views 1 comment Print

FORCE (Fiscal Options & Response to Covid-19 Epidemic), a task force of young IRS officers, hit the headlines this week with its policy paper outlining the recommendations that the CBDT could take to fight with the economic downside due tothe COVID-19 Pandemic. The CBDT has charge-sheeted the senior IRS officers for their rolein leaking the […]

Delay in payment of TDS for One day & 3% Interest

April 21, 2020 249342 Views 53 comments Print

The concept of TDS requires that the person, on whom responsibility has been cast, is to deduct tax at the appropriate rates, from payments of specific nature which are being made to a specified recipient.

Limiting refund of ITC amount on ZERO-RATED Export of Goods: A set- back to SEZ units

April 20, 2020 8829 Views 0 comment Print

Central Government vide Notification No. 16/2020 Dated March 23, 2020 has amended the definition of Zero-rated export of goods for the purpose of claiming of refund on the ITC u/s 89(4) of the CGST Rules, 2017. CHAPTER X of the CGST Rules, 2017 provides the provision and procedure related to the refund under the GST regime.

TDS on Salaries – Employer liability for FY 2020-21 and Pros & Cons of New Tax Regime for Individuals

April 15, 2020 20340 Views 7 comments Print

TDS on Salaries – Employer liability for FY 2020-21 (Updated with Circular issued on 13-04-2020) and Pros & Cons of the New Tax Regime for Individuals Finance Bill, 2020 introduced one of biggest change ever in the Direct Tax History by providing different options of calculation of Income-tax for an Individual or HUF. The Bill […]

Donation to PM CARES Fund by Corporates & its Employees under Consolidated Plan

April 13, 2020 5292 Views 0 comment Print

There are two major benefits which are available under the Income Tax Act, 1961 and Companies Act, 2013, in respect of the consolidated amount of donation i.e. 1. U/s 80G, 100% deduction is available to the employees and employers on the part of their contribution. 2. The amount contributed by the employers is eligible for computation of contribution under ‘Company Social Responsibility (‘CSR’) Fund.

Refund of TDS to TDS Deductor & Interest on TDS refund

January 24, 2020 65466 Views 12 comments Print

We always noticed that whenever there is a topic of refund in discussion most of the people talk about Income Tax Refund or GST refund but hardly anybody is concern about TDS refund. Some people even not aware about TDS refund. Hence today I am writing this article on TDS refund, what are the related […]

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