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CBDT authorizes data sharing with the Dept. of Food & Public Distribution to identify beneficiaries under PMGKAY as per Income-tax Act Section 138.
The government updates the rules for Lab Grown Diamonds exports, making additional qualifiers voluntary for diamonds under one carat while remaining mandatory otherwise.
SEBI clarifies rules on associations with entities engaged in prohibited activities by regulated persons and their agents, effective from August 2024.
IBBI revises technical standards for information utilities under the Insolvency Code, effective January 2025, focusing on user identity verification and data processing.
RBI updates guidelines on private placement of NCDs by HFCs, aligning them with NBFC regulations, effective from January 29, 2025.
India changes import policy for patrol boats, air-cushion vehicles, and others under CTH 890690, shifting from Restricted to Free with immediate effect.
Detailed ruling on the classification of LCD panels, touch screens, and printed circuit boards in India, affecting automotive infotainment system parts.
The CAAR Delhi ruling on Apple’s Pearl Assembly Module Subassembly concludes its classification under CTH 8517 as a mobile phone part, not a digital camera.
Analysis of the Customs Authority ruling on mobile phone housing modules, their classification under CTH 8517, and implications for import/export duties.