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Punjab VAT- HC stays dismissal of appeals for non deposit of 25% of tax demand

September 10, 2015 977 Views 0 comment Print

Judgement in writ petitions challenging section 62(5) of PVAT Act reserved by High Court Earlier I had shared with my readers that I had filed writ petitions along with other similar petitions challenging the Constitutional validity of section 62(5) of Punjab VAT Act, 2005 before Punjab & Haryana High Court.

Punjab VAT- HC dismisses writ petitions challenging enhancement of assessment period from 3 to 6 years

August 8, 2015 841 Views 0 comment Print

The Punjab and Haryana high court on 07.08.2015 dismissed the petitions of more than 150 firms operating in Punjab which had challenged amendment in the VAT (value-added tax) Act, 2005 by the state government in 2013. As per rough estimates and arguments of the state in the high court, there will be a revenue benefit […]

Representation on claim of Input Tax Credit on LPG by hotel industry under PVAT Act, 2005

July 27, 2015 6138 Views 0 comment Print

I had prepared a reprsentation on allowance of input tax credit on purchase of LPG to the Hotel Industry. This representation was prepared on behalf of Hotel Industry of Punjab and has already been sent to Dy. Chief Minister of Punjab on 15.05.2015. The Dy. CM Punjab has already forwarded this representation to the Financial […]

Interim stay on section 62(5) of Punjab VAT Act, 2005

July 8, 2015 2457 Views 0 comment Print

The Hon’ble Punjab & Haryana High Court in one of writ petitions challenging the constitutional vires of section 62(5) of Punjab VAT Act, 2005 filed by me has granted interim stay on adopting coercive measures for recovery of 25% pre-deposit as required under the said section for hearing of appeal and also has made an […]

New entry tax law-The Punjab Development of Trade, Commerce and Industries Ordinance, 2015

May 28, 2015 1585 Views 0 comment Print

The Punjab Government has introduced a new entry tax law by the name The Punjab Development of Trade, Commerce and Industries Ordinance, 2015. This ordinance is promuglated w.e.f 05.05.2015. Vide this ordinance the Punjab Government has got power to levy entry tax on any items with a new beginning as earlier entry tax Act i.e. […]

State Govt did not have power to legislate Rule 21(8) of Punjab VAT Rules

May 20, 2015 823 Views 0 comment Print

Punjab & Haryana High Court in the case of The Jalandhar Iron and Steel Merchants Association(Regd), Jalandhar vs State of Punjab has held that the State Government did not have power to legislate Rule 21(8) of Punjab VAT Rules, 2005 before 01.04.2014 so as to restrict ITC on stock of iron and steel goods as existing on the date of reduction of tax on such goods.

Constitutional Validity of exercise of power of DETC (Appeals) by DETC (Admin)

May 14, 2015 2456 Views 0 comment Print

It is settled law that no one should be a judge in his own cause. When an authority is working as a watchdog of the revenue, there were always chances that the interest of revenue will be favoured while making any decision by such authority and the result would always be biased in favour of the revenue. Hence the DETCs(Admin) would not be able to do justice to the appellants.

Punjab VAT-No assessment or provisional assessment without prior approval of ETC

May 6, 2015 1311 Views 0 comment Print

Punjab Government has suitably amended Rule 47 of the Punjab VAT Rules, 2005 whereby no assessment or provisional assessment now can be framed without the prior approval of the Excise and Taxation Commissioner, Punjab.

Punjab VAT-Penalty levied u/s 51 without serving proper notice is illegal

April 27, 2015 1096 Views 0 comment Print

The Punjab VAT Tribunal in one of my cases namely Welspun Projects Limited vs State of Punjab Appeal No. 146 of 2014 decided on 27.04.2015, has quashed the penalty levied u/s 51 of Punjab VAT Act, 2005 on the roadside, as the same was levied without serving proper notice and thereby denying reasonable opportunity of being heard to the appellant.

Punjab VAT-Rate of tax on iron and steel enhanced to 3.5%

March 11, 2015 19949 Views 0 comment Print

Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by sub-section (3) of section 8 of the Punjab Value Added Tax Act, 2005, (Punjab Act No. 8 of 2005), and all other powers enabling him in this behalf, the Governor of Punjab is pleased to make the following

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