Many times I have observed in the industry that there is various doubts and misconceptions regarding Intimation u/s 143(1) i.e summary assessment. Hence today I have decided to discussed this for better understanding of the section. So lets start the discussion. Some reasons which may attract demand U/s 143 (1): 1. TDS Credit Mismatch 2. […]
The due date for filing income tax return for corporate assessees and other assessees who are required to get their accounts audited under Income Tax Act 1961 or under any other law for the time being in force is 30th September and for others it is 31st July every year as have been prescribed u/s 139(1). For a layman sometimes it may create doubt if he fails to file his return of Income within due date, whether he can file his return of Income after the due date, especially when he is under no obligation to get his accounts audited under Income Tax Act or under any other law.
Exports under GST are considered as zero rated i.e. no tax is payable on export of goods or services. A person making zero rated supply is eligible under GST to claim for refund of unutilized input tax credit. The refund can be claimed by an exporter in two ways as stated in section 16 of […]
Rule 117 of CGST Rules, 2017 provided an important timeline for claiming the input tax credit under transitional arrangements of 90 days with a power to commissioner to extend this period further for 90 days. The period was extended till 27th December, 2017 to claim transitional credit
Refunds are the important part of any tax legislation. Refund is a drawback of the excess taxes paid to the Government subject to the conditions laid down in any law. Article 265 of our constitution provides a base behind legislation of refund provisions under any tax law, which provides that no tax shall be levied […]
When a capital asset is converted into stock in trade then capital gain u/s 45(2) of Income Tax Act arises in the year of sale and not in the year of conversion. But in vice versa situation i.e conversion of stock in trade into capital asset there does not arise any capital gain. If an assessee is in the business of real estate and on closure of his business he retains the existing stock in trade of immovable properties of the business with him and holds it as investment then it will become his capital asset from the time of closure of his business.
There may be some cases under Income Tax Assessment proceedings where there are a large number of unexplained credit and debit enteries of a person standing in books of account of an assessee. In such case the AO may tend to add all the aggregate enteries as unexplained income. However, in such case if the assessee does not have any explanation for every credit or debit entry of a person, standing in his books of account then one of the most commonest defences which an assessee may take is that, the enteries should be so arranged in serial order, that a credit following a debit entry should be treated as referable to the latter to the extent possible and that, not the aggregate but only the ‘peak’ of the credits should be treated as unexplained.
A person is required to get his accounts audited u/s 44AB if turnover of business exceeds Rs 100 Lakhs , or In case of Profession Gross Receipts exceed Rs 50 Lakhs. In case of business what should be the meaning of turnover/sales? Should it be Gross sales or net sales? Should it include GST? The meaning of turnover/sales for the purpose of tax audit is discussed as follows:
Survey in a wider sense means to scrutinize or to inspect. The power of survey under the Income tax Act has been provided U/S 133A and 133B. The provisions contained in section 133A are independent and to the exclusion of the other provisions of the act since the wording of the section starts with ‘Notwithstanding anything contained in any other provisions of the act .
Rule 86A in the CGST Rules vide notification No 75/2019 has been introduced w.e.f. 26.12.2019 to empower the revenue to impose additional condition/restriction on use of amount of input tax credit available in the electronic credit ledger. This rule has given drastic powers to the Department to restrict the credit of any person in certain […]