ITAT Lucknow quashed assessments in Shri Navin Jain vs. DCIT, citing mechanical approval under Section 153D. Read key details and legal findings.
ITAT Pune rules on Foreign Tax Credit (FTC) in JCIT (OSD) Vs Raj Surendra Mohan Hajela, addressing the delay in Form 67 submission and its impact on tax claims.
Karnataka High Court ruled on V.S. Chandrashekar vs. ACIT regarding tax treatment of land transactions, applicability of Section 50C, and capital gains classification.
Gauhati High Court sets aside GST registration cancellation due to lack of notice and directs reconsideration under COVID-19 limitation extensions.
Gauhati High Court allows a GST defaulter to seek offline restoration of registration, subject to tax compliance under AGST Rules 2017.
Delhi High Court ruled that parallel GST proceedings cannot be initiated against DLF Home Developers Ltd, deferring to DGGI’s jurisdiction.
Chhattisgarh High Court rules on Aarti Sponge & Power Ltd. vs. ACIT-2(1), addressing the 20% pre-deposit requirement for stay of tax demand under CBDT circulars.
Application of Ind AS 115’s 5-step model to revenue recognition in India’s renewable energy sector, covering PPAs, incentives, penalties, and credit risk assessment.
This article aims to provide a comprehensive overview of data privacy and cybersecurity, highlighting key issues, best practices, and emerging trends, with a focus on the Indian corporate sector.
The 2025 Finance Bill amends Section 34(2) of the CGST Act, requiring ITC reversal for credit note claims, increasing compliance for suppliers under GST.