It can be held that even before the issue of process or examining the sworn statement of the complainant, there could be cognizance in a particular case.
Held that import of gold is not prohibited, but restricted subject to prescribed quantity on payment of duty.
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Jyoti Commotrade Private Limited Vs State of West Bengal (Calcutta High Court) Admittedly, the allegations relate to transactions pertaining to financial year 2017-2018 and accordingly by a notice dated October 22, 2021 the alleged claim of input tax credit to the tune of Rs.71,23,836.66 paisa each under CGST/SGST head had been disallowed. If that is […]
Registration of any business entity under the GST Law implies obtaining a unique GSTIN from the concerned tax authorities for the purpose of collecting tax on behalf of the Government and to avail ITC for the taxes paid on the inward supplies.
Held that antecedents cannot be an evidence for the alleged undervaluation of the goods. At best antecedents may be a reason for creating a suspicion and be a reason for causing an enquiry or Investigation.
Held that an application u/s. 11(6) of Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996 seeking appointment of an arbitrator, filed beyond three years, is barred by limitation.
Held that as per the scheme of arrangement and amalgamation, the assets situated in the state of Rajasthan and required to be assessed by the statutory scheme of the Stamp Act of 1998.
Bharatkumar Somabhai Patel Vs ITO (ITAT Ahmedabad) The assessee is in appeal before us filing the above appeal with a delay of 2985 days. Even before this Tribunal, 10 opportunities given to the assessee. The assessee is not responded to the hearing notices. The present Affidavit filed by the assessee is without material on record […]
Standard Operating Procedure for Qualified Jewellers importing gold through India International Bullion Exchange