When working life gets resumed after COVID-19 lockdown, it is highly expected that the pricing and rates of real estate inventory will come down. To cope up with this situation, here are some of my recommendations:
Provident fund & miscellaneous provisions act 1952 This article gives you basic information and practical aspects of the Act. This article will help to solve majority of the minor doubts which arise while complying under the Act. Labour Laws of India refers to laws regulating labour in India. The Constitution of India gives us series […]
The COVID-19 pandemic has halted industries and businesses throughout the world. The real estate industry which is one of the top contributors to GDP and creators of employment in India is also at a standstill. With the implementation of the RERA Act in 2017, all ongoing and new real estate projects across the country were […]
Amendments in the Companies Act, 2013 and MCA relaxations due to outbreak of COVID-19 1) General circular 10/2020 & 15/2020 – Regarding clarification on spending for CSR Funds for COVID-19 & FAQs thereof : – The Ministry of Corporate Affairs via General circular number 10/2020, clarified that the amount spend on account of CSR funds […]
Every Act in one way or the other provides the authorities the power to physically Search and Seize the belongings of a person if found to be unexplanatory or in variance with the submissions made by him, and such power is undoubtedly present in the GST Act also. In this article we shall be giving […]
The Authority of Advance Ruling (AAR), Uttrakhand ruled that the transfer of under construction projects under the ‘Business Transfer Project’ is exempted under Goods Service Tax (GST).
Ministry of Finance through Central Board of Indirect Taxes and Customs have notified, certain notifications vide number 30/2020 to 36/2020 dated 03rd April,2020 giving relaxation in lieu of upcoming GST Compliances. Same are summarized below for ease of reference: Notification 30/2020-CT: Relaxation to Composition Taxpayers & ITC u/r 36(4) Notification 34/2020-CT: Relaxation to Composition Taxpayers […]
GST on Director’s Remuneration. Employee or Director or Both. Attempted to Frame 8 Issues. Resolve It Recently, the Ld. Rajasthan Authority for Advance Ruling in the matter of Clay Craft India Private Limited and Ld. Karnataka Authority for Advance Ruling in the matter of Alcon Consulting Engineers (India) Private Limited have given the ruling that […]
1) Year- 1959 2) IN YEAR 2012 A BILL IS APPROVED BY THE UNION CABINET IN PARLIAMENT KNOWN AS EMPLOYMENT EXCHANGES (COMPULSORY NOTIFICATION OF VACANCIES) AMENDMENT BILL, 2012 Because with The Passage of Time It Was Considered That the Act Which Was Passed In The Year 1959 Require Some Modification. 3) Modifications which are highlighted […]
Overview Central Government has recently amended the provisions related to NIDHI under the Companies Act and the Rules (effective from 15.08.2019). Why amended: √ to make regulatory regime for Nidhi Companies more effective and √ also to accomplish the objectives of transparency & √ investor friendliness in corporate environment of the country. Define Nidhi:(Under Nidhi […]