Join our webinar on Faceless Tax Assessments under the Income Tax Act, 1961. Learn concepts, challenges, and solutions from expert CA Hari Agarwal, FCA.
A large part of a tax-payer’s income goes away by way of Income-tax. For this reason tax- payer is always on the look-out of ways and means for minimising his tax liability. The best way to achieve this objective is to utilise the services of a tax-expert and get one’s tax-affairs so arranged within the four corners of taxation-laws, that his incidence of taxation is minimised.
As per S.11 of the Civil Procedure Code, no Court shall try any suit or issue between the same parties; which has been heard and finally decided. The doctrine of res judicata rests on the principle that one should not be vexed twice for the same cause and that there should be finality of litigation.
Simplify income-tax law with expert suggestions: learn about the basis of charge and income exempt from tax in a user-friendly way.
(S.192 Of The Income Tax Act) The present day employers, particularly large corporate employers, are a harried lot. The Government has found a new tool in the form of enlargement of the scope of Tax Deduction at Source (T.D.S.) for augmenting tax revenues. Vide Finance Act 1995 , the scope of T.D.S. has been vastly […]