The issue of dishnour of ‘At Par” cheques needs attention in view of the fact the cheque really does not travel to the drawee bank’s place unlike in olden days. Now clearances are done through electronic transfers. Keeping this in view, strict interpretation followed in Dashrath Rathod case may be relaxed in public interest. Apex court may also take into view that this relaxation does not result in multiplicity of complaints.
10th October 2014 –Due date for deposit of Tax deducted/collected for the month of September, 2014 10th October 2014 – Due date for deposit of TDS for the period July 2014 to September 2014 when Assessing Officer has permitted quarterly deposit of TDS under Section 192, 194A, 194D or 194H
Post incorporation requirements are obligations which companies are supposed to fulfill subsequent to incorporation. These include filing of annual returns, change of directors or secretary, change of financial year, alteration in capital, allotment of shares, transfer of shares and change of registered office. Regular Works For A Private Company Under Companies ACT-2013:- 1. BOARD MEETING: […]