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Archive: 08 July 2014

Posts in 08 July 2014

Section 185 Loan To Directors – Companies Act 2013

July 8, 2014 12887 Views 1 comment Print

ACS Divesh Goyal TERMS ON WHICH WE MUST FOCUS BEFORE START READ THIS SECTION 185 With the usage of words ‘SAVE AS OTHERWISE PROVIDED UNDER THIS ACT’ in Section 185, whether loans to director and other person in whom Director is interested may also be made after complying with the provisions of such Section 186 […]

Section 186 Loan & Investment By Company

July 8, 2014 4721 Views 0 comment Print

ACS Divesh Goyal Section 186 – Loan and investment by company under the Companies Act,2013 APPLICABILITY: This is applicable for Private Company and Public Company. APPROVAL:No Company Shall Directly or Indirectly without Board Resolution-   Board Approval: Company can give loan or guarantee or providing any security or the acquisitionby Passing of Unanimous Board Resolutionat […]

1% Scheme for Developers in Haryana (Draft Notification)

July 8, 2014 2619 Views 0 comment Print

The much awaited draft notification on Composition scheme for Developers and Works contractors have been released by state government on 5th July, 2014. The same has followed the earlier notification increasing the WCT rate to 5% in Haryana as decided in cabinet meetings under the chairmanship of Hon’ble Chief Minister.

Empanelment with SBI for Stock Audit of CAs / CMAs

July 8, 2014 4248 Views 0 comment Print

State Bank of India invites application for Stock Auditors / Valuers, those having their place of business in the State of Delhi, Uttarakhand, Rajasthan and the following districts of Uttar Pradesh and Haryana may send their offers:

CBI Registers case against IT officials and CA in Bribery case

July 8, 2014 2591 Views 0 comment Print

It was alleged that Fazulullah the Dy. Commissioner, Tirupathi Division, Tirupathi had demanded a bribe of Rs.5 Lakhs from Pengaluri Musaliah, A Chartered Accountant of Cuddappah with regard to Income Tax assessment of C.A.’s client & to give a favourable assessment in the scrutiny pertaining to the account of HUF which was pending with Dy. Commissioner.

Shariat courts have no legal sanction, fatwas not binding on anyone: SC

July 8, 2014 1917 Views 0 comment Print

SC held that decision or the Fatwa issued by whatever body being not emanating from any judicial system recognised by law, it is not binding on anyone including the person, who had asked for it. Further, such an adjudication or Fatwa does not have a force of law

Removal of Cost Audit and Methods Would Catastrophic For Indian Economy

July 8, 2014 2717 Views 0 comment Print

In my previous article titled –Affect Of Removal of Cost Audit In Various Industries, I got couple of queries about the value of cost audit and cost methods compared to financial audit. Well I am not inclined to get into the long debate but only thing I would clarify if I don’t develop uniform costing […]

Why one who pays tax only suffers?

July 8, 2014 4135 Views 25 comments Print

Arjuna, Govt. collects taxes and utilizes it for citizen’s security, development, growth, etc. See, like in sports, one wins while other loses similarly in life one’s grief is others reason for happiness. In same way, an expense of one is an Income of other, and hence disparity between Government and Taxpayers will always remain.

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