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Archive: 11 April 2014

Posts in 11 April 2014

Nomination & Remuneration Committee and Stakeholders Relationship Committee u/s. 178 of Companies Act,2013

April 11, 2014 194590 Views 0 comment Print

The Companies Act, 2013 and corresponding rule, Companies (Meetings of Board and its Powers) Rules, 2014 has mandated the constitution of Nomination and Remuneration Committee and Stakeholders Relationship committee for certain classes of Companies, which was already recommendatory under clause49 of the Listing agreement.

Notification No. 15/2014-Customs (ADD) Dated: 11.04.2014

April 11, 2014 1102 Views 0 comment Print

WHEREAS in the matter of Cast Aluminium Alloy Wheels or Alloy Road Wheels used in Motor Vehicles, whether or not attached with their accessories

A Quick Primer on Financial Planning for Beginners in the Year 2014-2015

April 11, 2014 2694 Views 0 comment Print

It’s the single biggest investment mantra that never fails and a time tested fact that early investing gives you the best possible returns – be it mutual funds, bank deposits, stock markets or any other investment avenue. While there is no age limit for knowledge and one can achieve it at any point in life, […]

CDBT Directive On Opposing Mergers/ Amalgamations/ De-Mergers before HC

April 11, 2014 8095 Views 0 comment Print

F.NO.279/MISC./M-171/2013-ITJ In this connection Circular No 1/2014 dated 15.01.2014 has been issued by MCA to Regional Directors which lays down that while furnishing any report regarding reconstruction or amalgamation of companies under the Companies Act, comments and inputs from the Income Tax Department may invariably be obtained so as to ensure that the proposed scheme of reconstruction or amalgamation has not been designed in such a way as to defraud the Revenue and consequently being prejudicial to public interest. It has further been said that the Regional Directors

CA Final Attempt Eligibility – Last 6 Month of Articleship or last 12 Months?

April 11, 2014 150497 Views 26 comments Print

CA Sandeep Kanoi Recently Whatsapp and Facebook is abuzz with the rumor that CA Final Exam can be given by a student who is serving the last twelve months of practical training on the first day of the month in which the examination is scheduled to be held instead of earlier time limit of six […]

MCA extends efiling date from 14th April to 28th April 2014

April 11, 2014 2167 Views 0 comment Print

Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has issued Public Notice No. MCA21/28/2014-eGov dated 11th April, 2014 informing stakeholders that the all E-Forms will be available for upload with effect from 28th April, 2014 instead of 14th April, 2014 as notified earlier on 28th March, 2014.

Service Tax Exemptions to Training / Coaching In Recreational Activities

April 11, 2014 32933 Views 9 comments Print

Dr. Sanjiv Agarwal Services by way of training or coaching in recreational activities relating to arts, culture or sports are exempt from levy of service tax.  These terms can be understood as follows: Art: Art is a very broad expression and may include host of areas. According to American Heritage Dictionary, the conscious use of […]

Fast Track Quick Revision of Income Tax for AY 2014-15

April 11, 2014 7732 Views 0 comment Print

I am attaching herewith book titled ‘Fast Track Quick Revision of Income tax for AY 2014-15’, which can be extremely useful for students who are appearing for for CA, CS, CMA exam May / June 2014 attempt.

Income Tax Calculator FY 2014-15 / AY 2015-16 in Excel Format

April 11, 2014 243295 Views 1 comment Print

DOWNLOAD INCOME TAX CALCULATOR IN EXCEL FORMAT FOR ASSESSMENT YEAR 2015-16 / FINANCIAL YEAR 2014-15. Salient features of the Simple tax calculator. Simple tax calculator for the use of salaried employees of govt and private sector.Easy use of calculator- Key in the salary details and investment/tax saving details yellow colored cell to compute the tax.

Eligibility for foreign nationals as director under Companies Act, 2013

April 11, 2014 14098 Views 0 comment Print

The Ministry of Corporate Affairs (MCA) has notified vide Section 149 (3) which effective April 1, 2014, every company must have at least one resident director. Resident Director: Resident Director As per Section 149 (3) is the one who has stayed in India for a total period of 182 days in the previous calendar year.

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