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Archive: 04 November 2010

Posts in 04 November 2010

Statutory Bank Branch Auditors' Panel for the year 2010-11

November 4, 2010 375 Views 0 comment Print

This has reference to your application for the multipurpose panel for the year 2010-11. The Bank Branch Auditors’ Panel for the year 2010-11, prepared thereof is hosted at the following link, for your ready reference. Application No MEF00001 to M

Shifting of BOS and Some Committees from Institute's rented premises at Sec-58 Noida to its new premises at Sec-62, Noid

November 4, 2010 333 Views 0 comment Print

We would like to inform you that Board of Studies and some sections which were housed in Institute’s rented premises at Plot No-A-94/4, Sector-58,Noida have been shifted to its new premises at plot No A-29, Sector-62, Noida and are functional with ef

Web-pages of Directorate General of Income Tax (Vigilance)

November 4, 2010 1149 Views 0 comment Print

It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you all on the web link of the Directorate of Vigilance. It has been inaugurated for public viewing in a function presided over by the Central Vigilance Commissioner on 28th October 2010 during ‘Vigilance Aware

Comments for reviewing of guidelines for Practice in Corporate Form

November 4, 2010 303 Views 0 comment Print

An Appropriate Committee of the Institute has constituted a Group under the convenorship of CA. Devaraja Reddy comprising of members viz. CA. Atul Bheda and CA. Vijay Kumar Garg to review the guidelines for practice in Corporate Form and to suggest m

Second Quarter Review of Monetary Policy 2010-11

November 4, 2010 568 Views 0 comment Print

This Second Quarter Review is set in the context of a mixed backdrop of persistent sluggishness in advanced economies and positive signals from emerging market economies (EMEs). While recovery in advanced economies has slowed in the second half of 20

National e-Governance Advisory Group Reconstituted Scheduled to Meet on November 12, 2010

November 4, 2010 300 Views 0 comment Print

The National e-Governance Advisory Group (NAG) has been reconstituted last week to have a wider representation and also in view of changes at various levels. The Group was first constituted on March 29, 2005 for the effective management of the Nation

FM Appreciates RBI’s Monetary Policy Review

November 4, 2010 291 Views 0 comment Print

“There are times when all informed observers have a common view of what the imperatives of monetary policy are. In such times the RBI’s decision is easy. Today is not such an easy time. The signals from the economy have been mixed. Industrial growth

Suggestions/Views of The Institute of Company Secretaries Of India (ICSI) On Direct Taxes Code Bill, 2010

November 4, 2010 1560 Views 0 comment Print

A weighted deduction of 150 per cent of the total expenditure incurred during the year on CSR initiatives as certified by a social audit conducted by a Practicing Company Secretary may be provided to encourage the entrepreneurs to undertake CSR initi

Banking- Guidelines on Banks’ Asset Liability Management Framework – Interest Rate Risk

November 4, 2010 2031 Views 0 comment Print

As per extant guidelines on management of interest rate risk in the banking book under Pillar II, banks where the economic value of the banking book declines by more than 20% of the MVE as a result of a standardised interest rate shock of 200 basis points are considered outlier from supervisory perspective. However, no such calibration is envisaged at this stage for decline in the MVE based on the impact of the standardised interest rate shock of 200 basis points on the entire balance sheet, under the guidelines on banks’ ALM contained in this circular.

SEBI – Display of Details by Stock Brokers (including Trading Members)

November 4, 2010 844 Views 0 comment Print

This circular is issued in exercise of powers conferred under section 11(1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market.

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