Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India Ref. No: IRDA/F&A/CIR/Misc/282 /11/2020 Date:18-11-2020 All Life/ General/ Health Insurers Master Circular: Unclaimed Amounts of Policyholders The Authority has issued various directions regarding the Unclaimed Amounts of Policyholders from time to time. All such directions were consolidated and issued in the form of a Master Circular dt. 25th July, […]
For effective regulation of the Mutual Fund Industry, Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has been issuing various circulars from time to time. In order to enable the industry and other users to have an access to all the applicable circulars at one place, Master Circular for Mutual Funds has been prepared.
INSURANCE REGULATORY AND DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY OF INDIA Ref: IRDAI/HLT/REG/CIR/193/07/2020 22nd July, 2020 All Insurers (excluding specialized insurers) and TPAs, wherever applicable Sub: Master Circular on Standardization of Health Insurance Products 1. Objective: 1.1 The extant IRDAI (Health Insurance) Regulations 2016 were notified on 18th July, 2016 superseding IRDA (Health Insurance) Regulations 2013. 1.2 The Guidelines […]
SEBI Master Circular for Commodity Derivatives Market updated till 10th July 2020 is a compilation of the circulars issued by Commodity Derivatives Market Regulation Department (CDMRD) pertaining to domestic commodity derivatives segment, which have been issued 10th July 2020. Securities and Exchange Board of india MASTER CIRCULAR SEBI/HO/CDMRD/DNPMP/CIR/P/2020/118 July 10, 2020 To, All Stock Exchanges […]
Master Circular on the Scheme of Penalties for bank branches including currency chests based on performance in rendering customer service to members of public
All branches of banks in all parts of the country are mandated to (i) Issuing fresh / good quality notes and coins of all denominations on demand, (ii) Exchanging soiled / mutilated / defective notes, and (iii) Accepting coins and notes either for transactions or exchange.
Lead Bank Scheme was introduced by the Reserve Bank of India in December 1969. The Scheme aims at coordinating the activities of banks and other developmental agencies through various fora in order to achieve the objective of enhancing the flow of bank finance tothe priority sector and other sectors and to promote banks’ role in the overall development of the rural sector.
Notes determined as counterfeit shall be stamped as COUNTERFEIT NOTE and impounded in the prescribed format . Each such impounded note shall be recorded under authentication, in a separate register.
Transactions relating to the following government business undertaken by agency banks are eligible for agency commission paid by RBI: a. Revenue receipts and payments on behalf of the Central/State Governments b. Pension payments in respect of Central / State Governments and c. Any other item of work specifically advised by Reserve Bank as eligible for agency commission
Banks should provide adequate incentives to their branches in financing the Self Help Groups (SHGs) and establish linkages with them, making the procedures simple and easy. The group dynamics of working of the SHGs need neither be regulated nor formal structures imposed or insisted upon.