Income Tax : Learn the key differences between tax avoidance and tax evasion in India, legal provisions, real-world cases, and government measu...
Income Tax : While tax avoidance is legal and involves strategic tax planning, tax evasion is illegal and constitutes fraudulent activities to ...
Income Tax : One of the most infamous tax evasion cases in India is the Sahara India tax evasion case, which highlights the legal implications ...
Income Tax : Explore the differences between tax planning, tax evasion, and tax avoidance. Understand how tax planning legally optimizes tax li...
Income Tax : The evil consequence of tax evasion or avoidance are manifold which are short listed as under 1. There is substantial loss of mu...
Income Tax : The Internal Revenue Service today announced the conclusion of its annual Dirty Dozen list of tax scams. The annual list highlight...
Finance : Promotion of payments through cards and digital means will be instrumental in reducing tax avoidance, migration of Government paym...
Income Tax : Dismissing the notion that Mauritius is a tax haven, the island nation's Vice Prime Minister Ramakrishna Sithanen on Tuesday said ...
Income Tax : Income Tax authorities are planning to broaden the tax base, seek greater exchange of information under the tax treaties and provi...
Income Tax : A revised Agreement and Protocol between India and Finland for Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion w...
Income Tax : Explore the Ayodhya Rami Reddy Alla vs PCIT case, delving into GAAR vs SAAR implications. Understand the Telangana High Court's ru...
Income Tax : Cable & Wireless Networks India Private Limited („the applicant?) is engaged in the business of providing international and dome...
Learn the key differences between tax avoidance and tax evasion in India, legal provisions, real-world cases, and government measures to curb tax evasion.
While tax avoidance is legal and involves strategic tax planning, tax evasion is illegal and constitutes fraudulent activities to escape tax obligations. Understanding this fine line is crucial for individuals, businesses, and policymakers. This blog explores the key differences between tax avoidance and tax evasion, supported by case laws and examples.
One of the most infamous tax evasion cases in India is the Sahara India tax evasion case, which highlights the legal implications of fraudulent financial practices.
Explore the Ayodhya Rami Reddy Alla vs PCIT case, delving into GAAR vs SAAR implications. Understand the Telangana High Court’s ruling on tax avoidance and the invocation of GAAR.
Explore the differences between tax planning, tax evasion, and tax avoidance. Understand how tax planning legally optimizes tax liabilities, while tax evasion involves illegal actions. Tax avoidance navigates legal loopholes, sparking ethical debates. Comply with tax laws and maintain ethical practices.
The evil consequence of tax evasion or avoidance are manifold which are short listed as under 1. There is substantial loss of much needed public revenue particularly in a welfare State like ours as India which is a developing Country day by day. 2. There is the serious disturbance caused to the economy of the […]
♦ Tax Avoidance is one of the most important method resorted to by the taxpayers as here they try to look after the loopholes present or existing in the tax law may be in the form of lack of proper jurisdiction to hear case or in the form of lack of proper stringent and vigil […]
The Double Tax Avoidance Agreement (DTAA) is essentially a bilateral agreement entered into between two countries. The basic objective is to promote and foster economic trade and investment between two Countries by avoiding double taxation.
In McDowell it was held that if a transaction was carried with an intention to avoid taxes it was up to the judiciary to decide whether the same ought to be regarded. In other words, the duty to decide the validity of the transaction was left to the court.
This article draws a difference between the two concepts of Tax Law. Since an assessee wants to pay a minimal amount of taxes. So he strives for several ways by which he can avoid his taxes, Tax Avoidance and Tax Evasion are two ways by which an assessee can avoid and save his taxes. Tax Avoidance is a legally accepted method to avoid an assessee tax on the other hand Tax Evasion is an illegal way of avoiding the taxes.