Income Tax : Family disputes and consequential family partition and family arrangements are not new in Indian history. Since ages, the human ci...
Income Tax : There is a never ending debate on whether software related payment made by a resident to a foreign recipient is in the nature of R...
Income Tax : Whether or not the royalty/fees for technical services is taxable in India in the hands of the non-resident, will depend on provis...
Income Tax : The term ‘demerger’ simply means one company transferring one or more of its business operations into another company(s). The ...
Income Tax : The concept of Permanent Establishment is one of the most important concepts in International Taxation. The existence of a Permane...
The current age of globalization can be distinguished from the previous one by the much higher mobility of capital than labor this increased mobility has been the result of technological changes.
In earlier years, India was a highly regulated economy. To set-up an industry various licenses and registration under various enactments were required. The scope and mode of corporate restructuring was, therefore, very limited due to restrictive government policies and rigid regulatory framework.
DGFT has issued a public notice no. 31 dated 21st November 2012, allowing recipient of goods also to claim refund of terminal excise duty (TED) against deemed export supplies on production of a disclaimer form from the supplier.
Not only statute, but also common law, has upheld the ‘sanctity’ of a company’s capital. In 1887, in Trevor Vs. Whitworth 12 App Case 409, it was held that a company limited by shares may not purchase its own shares as this would amount to an unauthorized reduction of capital.
There are two types of inter-State sales. An inter-State sale contemplated by clause (b) is one, which is effected by transfer of documents of title to the goods during their movement from one state to another. Where the property in the goods has passed before the movement has commenced, sale will evidently not fall with in clause (b).
EPC Contracts refers to an Engineering, Procurement and Construction contract. In an EPC Contract, the EPC contractor undertakes total responsibilities for the project upto the commissioning stage for a pre-agreed consideration.