Income Tax : Explore the Income Tax Calculator for the Financial Year 2024-25, offering insights on tax planning, deductions, and regime sugges...
Income Tax : Easily compare the old and new tax regimes for AY 2024-25 and AY 2025-26 with our simple income tax calculator. Make informed deci...
Finance : Tax season can be a stressful time for many individuals. However, with the help of an Income Tax Calculator, you can navigate the ...
Income Tax : Download Automatic Income Tax Calculator in Excel Format for Financial Year 2023-24 (AY 24-25) for salaried employees of governmen...
Income Tax : Access the Income Tax Calculator for A.Y. 2024-25/F.Y. 2023-24. Understand tax rates, deductions, & the New Tax Regime's impact on...
Income Tax : Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has recently released a user-friendly Income tax calculator for the financial year 2023-24. T...
Income Tax : Download Automatic Income Tax Calculator for Central & State Government Employees for the Financial Year 2011-2012 / 2012-13 and...
Income Tax : Income tax Calculator in excel format calculates tax payable by you on various source of income. It can calculate tax for all cate...
Income Tax : This utility can be used for Government and Non Government Employees. Utility Automatically Prepares for 16, Form 12BA, Calculate...
Income Tax : TDS on Salary Calculator for Central & State Govt employees for Financial Year 2012-13 / Assessment year 2013-14. Calculator Auto...
2 in 1 Auto Income Tax Calculator with Salary Statement for Financial Year (FY) 2020-21/ Assessment Year (AY) 2021-22 in Excel Govt. has introduced a new tax regime from F.Y.-2020-21 with a lower tax rate without any exemption/deduction. Also left an option for assesses to choose any one suitable regime between Old(existing) and New income-tax […]
Best Income tax calculator FY 2020-2021 (Covering old & new regime) and FY 2019-2020 In India income tax calculated in accordance with the income tax act, 1961. We have further elaborated the calculation of the income is into the 7 steps are as follows: 1. To Know which income would be taxable in india 2. […]
Latest Income Tax Calculator with Form-16 and salary Statement (3 in 1) for A.Y-2020-21 in Excel format. In the view of currently corona virus pandemic government has extended the due dates of various returns including TDS return up to 30 June 2020 So the date to issue Form-16 by the employer has also defer. Due […]
This article contains Auto Income Tax calculator for Financial Year 2020-21 & Assessment Year 2021-22 in excel format. A circular issued by the CBDT on 13.04.2020 that salaried employees has to chose between the Old and New income-tax regime at the time employers are deducting TDS. OR at the time for filing of ITR. These […]
It was 1st February 2020, when our Honorable Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman had presented the Budget 2020 and came up with paradigm shift in the way Individuals are being taxed i.e. NEW TAX REGIME was introduced vide Sections 115BAC and 115BAD of Income Tax Act 1961. QUESTION IS: Whether this new tax regime is only […]
Old Tax Regime vs New Tax Regime which one is beneficial to you (should you opt) with Excel Automatic Tax Calculator – Salaried Employee The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) via a circular dated April 13, has clarified that employers will have to deduct TDS from salary for financial year 2020-21 as per the tax […]
As another step of simplifying tax laws, the Finance Bill 2020 has introduced a new tax regime for individuals and HUF by insertion of section 115BAC. Now, the individuals and HUF have an option to calculate their income tax liability either under old tax regime or under new tax regime. In order to make an […]
Automated Income Tax Calculator from FY 2016 – 17 to 2020 – 21 in a single click under Old and New Tax Regime You can use 10 Employees Income Tax calculation & their monthly TDS details in a Single File under Free version You can Calculate 500 Employees Income Tax & their monthly TDS details […]
Article contains Income tax calculator for salaried employees for Financial Year (F.Y.) 2020-21 or Assessment Year (A.Y.) 2021-22 in Excel Format. As we begin the new financial year, there was a demand for extension of FY 2019-20 to June 30, 2020, owing to the COVID – 19 outbreaks. However, the Government has not announced any […]
Bulk Data Income Tax Calculator for Multiple Employees for Financial Year 2019-20 / Assessment Year 2020-21 and Bulk TDS Calculation (Salary) in Excel I have already uploaded an excel Income Tax Calculator for Individuals for this FY 2019-20 which will be useful to individuals. But for HR Department, to arrive the estimated amount of TDS […]