Income Tax : Explore the Income Tax Calculator for the Financial Year 2024-25, offering insights on tax planning, deductions, and regime sugges...
Income Tax : Easily compare the old and new tax regimes for AY 2024-25 and AY 2025-26 with our simple income tax calculator. Make informed deci...
Finance : Tax season can be a stressful time for many individuals. However, with the help of an Income Tax Calculator, you can navigate the ...
Income Tax : Download Automatic Income Tax Calculator in Excel Format for Financial Year 2023-24 (AY 24-25) for salaried employees of governmen...
Income Tax : Access the Income Tax Calculator for A.Y. 2024-25/F.Y. 2023-24. Understand tax rates, deductions, & the New Tax Regime's impact on...
Income Tax : Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has recently released a user-friendly Income tax calculator for the financial year 2023-24. T...
Income Tax : Download Automatic Income Tax Calculator for Central & State Government Employees for the Financial Year 2011-2012 / 2012-13 and...
Income Tax : Income tax Calculator in excel format calculates tax payable by you on various source of income. It can calculate tax for all cate...
Income Tax : This utility can be used for Government and Non Government Employees. Utility Automatically Prepares for 16, Form 12BA, Calculate...
Income Tax : TDS on Salary Calculator for Central & State Govt employees for Financial Year 2012-13 / Assessment year 2013-14. Calculator Auto...
Republished with revised Simple Version Simple Income Tax Calculator for the Financial Year 2020-21 in Excel for Salaried Individuals. Tax Planning in the beginning of the Financial Year is always better instead of doing that at the end of the year in hurry. This will help the Individual to plan their Investments in advance and […]
Old vs New tax regime: There is no single answer to this. Prima facia, it can be seen that taxpayers who do not have many deductions to claim can opt for the new regime, and those who have substantial deductions to claim resulting in lower tax can continue with the old regime. Looking at the […]
Income Tax Calculator Utility from FY 2015-16 to FY 2021-22 with New Tax Regime and Old Tax Regime This is an Automated Income Tax Calculator from FY 2016 – 17 to 2021 – 22 in a single click under Old and New Tax Regime with easy comparison. You can use 10000 Employees Income Tax calculation […]
On March 31, 2021, the Ministry of Finance released a notification on slashing the interest rates of all the Small Saving Schemes, and the same notification rolled back by the Ministry on April 1, 2021, by terming that the Order is issued by oversight! Whether it is a correction of an oversight error or a […]
Auto Income Tax Calculator version 16 for F.Y. – 2021-22 (A.Y.-2022-23) in Old & New Regime (Both) Financial Year 2021-22 has started. Govt. has introduced a new tax regime (system) from last financial year (with a lower tax rate without any exemption/deduction). Which will continue in this financial year too. Every individual and employer have to […]
Auto Income Tax Calculator -All in 1 Tax calculator, Salary statement, Computation sheet with Form-16 for F.Y. – 2020-21 (A.Y.-2021-22) in old & New Regime Govt. has introduced a New tax regime (system) from F.Y.-2020-21 with a lower tax rate without any exemption/deduction. Also left an option for assesses to choose any one suitable regime […]
This Income Tax calculator is a very useful tool to calculate tax by using excel only. It contains the rate of Income tax for last 25 financial year (i.e Financial year 1997-98 to 2021-22) and income tax calculator for last 16 years (i.e Financial year 2006-07 to 2021-22) for Individuals (i.e including the rates proposed […]
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) vide Circular No. 8/2020 dated April 13,2020 has clarified that an employer will have to deduct TDS for FY 2020-21, from an employee’s salary on the basis of the tax regime chosen by the employee else by default TDS would be deducted as per Old Tax Regime Rates. The Union […]
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) vide Circular No. 8/2020 dated April 13,2020 has clarified that an employer will have to deduct TDS for FY 2020-21, from an employee’s salary on the basis of the tax regime chosen by the employee else by default TDS would be deducted as per Old Tax Regime Rates. The Union […]
THIS HRA CALCULATOR GIVES AN IDEA ABOUT – a) How is Exemption u/s 10 (13A) given? b) What are the requirements for claiming deduction u/s 10 (13A) and who is eligible? c) What are the TDS requirements in respect of rent paid? d) Format of Rent Receipt and Declaration to be given by landlord who […]