Income Tax : ITR last dates - Writ Petitions (WP) seems inevitable for directions to extend last date for filing of non-audit Income Tax Return...
Income Tax : Reasonable time for preparation of case by taxpayer must be kept in mind while issuing any notice. While fixing time interval betw...
Income Tax : Dividend distributed Tax (DDT): Dividend paid by companies is a payment and expenditure. The tax on dividend payouts is not tax on...
Income Tax : When on receipt of money by way of cheque a liability is acknowledged by receiver as loan or deposit or share capital, it need to ...
Corporate Law : Responsible citizenship- protect environment: Environmental concerns- avoid wastage- case study -street Lights –proper time of s...
Income Tax : Learn about the 2023 Income Tax Return (ITR) deadline for business professionals and why an extension is needed for non-audit case...
Income Tax : Respected PM Sir and FM madam, I append below a write up for benefit of revenue by increasing scope and properly managing ‘D...
Learn about the 2023 Income Tax Return (ITR) deadline for business professionals and why an extension is needed for non-audit cases. Find ITR form details and analysis here.
ITR last dates – Writ Petitions (WP) seems inevitable for directions to extend last date for filing of non-audit Income Tax Return (ITR)
Respected PM Sir and FM madam, I append below a write up for benefit of revenue by increasing scope and properly managing ‘Direct Tax Vivad Se Viswas Act, by accepting amount under declaration to settle all lost disputes of revenue- whether challenged by revenue or not and by accepting payment in advance with some early […]
Reasonable time for preparation of case by taxpayer must be kept in mind while issuing any notice. While fixing time interval between date of notice and date of hearing at least the following factors must be considered by the authority issuing the notice:
Dividend distributed Tax (DDT): Dividend paid by companies is a payment and expenditure. The tax on dividend payouts is not tax on income (of company). The levy of additional tax on companies under Section 115-O seems to be ultra virse the Constitution of India.
When on receipt of money by way of cheque a liability is acknowledged by receiver as loan or deposit or share capital, it need to be viewed considering ground realities faced by receiver of money against which he incur liability.
Responsible citizenship- protect environment: Environmental concerns- avoid wastage- case study -street Lights –proper time of switch off and switch on can save about 10- 15% electricity and other lighting expenses. DEV KUMAR KOTHARI General: This article is intended for benefit of public at large to show that how a small initiative taken can contribute to […]
CBDT PROVED TO BE VERY UNREASONABLE TOP AUTHORITY EVEN DURING REGIME OF NAMO GOVERNMENT – even after directions from various High Court’s action of CBDT is not only very delayed but also half-hearted, incomplete and wrong- it requires to be rectified and clarified
EXPECTATION FROM NAMO GOVERNMENT: The public of India at large and also investors abroad are given to understand that NAMO government will provide EASE of doing business. However, for Indian citizens working in India ease of doing business and also carrying profession with ease seems to be a far distant dream.
CA DEV KUMAR KOTHARI Unfortunate comments of Shri Piyush Goyal on comments of Chairman of HDFC. Author also feels that real work for general public, is more important, mere publicity by NAMO government is not enough. The Chairman of HDFC Shri Deepak Parekh has in some interviews expressed concerns about real work having been done on […]