Securities and Exchange Board of India
Date: January 27, 2017
All Recognised Stock Exchanges,
Dear Sir / Madam,
Procedures for Exchange Listing Control Mechanism
1. Regulation 45 of the SECC Regulations provides for listing of stock exchanges on any recognised stock exchange, other than itself and its associated stock As per Regulation 45(2) of the SECC Regulations, the Board may specify such conditions as it may deem fit in the interest of the securities market.
2. In order to address any conflict arising out of aforesaid provisions of listing of a stock exchange on any recognised stock exchange, other than itself, and also to ensure effective compliance with the applicable laws, it has been decided that:
I. The Listing Department of the listing stock exchange (i.e. a stock exchange on which the listing is done) shall be responsible for monitoring the compliance of the listed stock exchange (i.e. a stock exchange which is getting listed) as in the case of listed companies.
II. The Independent Oversight Committee of the listing stock exchange shall exercise oversight at the second level to deal with the conflicts, if any. The listed stock exchange may appeal to the Independent Oversight Committee of the listing stock exchange, if aggrieved, with the decision on disclosure of the listing stock exchange as referred under para 2 (I).
III. An independent Conflict Resolution Committee (CRC) constituted by SEBI, with an objective for independent oversight and review, shall monitor potential conflicts between listed and listing stock exchange on a regular basis. The listed stock exchange aggrieved by the decision of the Independent Oversight Committee of the listing exchange may appeal to the CRC.
3. This circular is being issued in exercise of powers conferred under Section 11 (1) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India Act, 1992 to protect the interests of investors in securities and to promote the development of, and to regulate the securities market.
4. This circular is also available on SEBI website at
Yours faithfully,
Manoj Kumar
Chief General Manager