Press Communique, dated 2-11-2010
The Direct Taxes Code Bill, 2010 has been referred to the Departmental Related Standing Committee on Finance of Parliament for detailed examination and Report.
2. Considering the importance of the subject, the Committee under the Chairmanship of Shri Yashwant Sinha, M.P., has decided to invite memoranda containing views/suggestions from various Individuals/Experts/lnstitutions/Organisations interested in the subject matter of the Bill.
3. All those desirous of submitting views/suggestions to the Committee may send their written memoranda, either in English or Hindi on the Bill to Joint Secretary (AK), Lok Sabha Secretariat, Room No 018, Ground. Floor, Parliament House- Annexe, New Delhi – 110 001. (Tel. No. 23034180, 23034049 and fax No. 23018129) or can e-mail at within twenty days of publication of this advertisement. The Bill has beer uploaded for ready access at the website of Lok Sabha
4. The Memoranda submitted to the Committee would form part of the records of the Committee and would be treated as ‘confidential’ and would enjoy privileges of the Committee.
5. Those who wish to appear before the Committee, besides submitting Memoranda, are requested to specifically indicate so. However, the Committee’s decision in this regard shall be final.
As the corruption of ministersgo unchecked why the honest tax payer stop payint btaxes direct like IT, TDS on interest and Service tax as these are most unscoientifically phased fpor the salaried class whereas all business and professionals doing business can deduct actual expenses from the gross income and only net icome taxable is being taxed. Similarly IT payers shall also be given the oppertunity to deduct actual expenses on Hoiuserent, petrol/fuel all substantiated with bills of course, and also actual expenses on education of children 2 at least if not more.
The present practise of stanard deduction and HRA etc… are not based on actual relity in India and whereas MP’s and MInisters and all elected representatives are given so many freebies and ohers get a chance to deduct actual expenses we also have a right to deduct all actual expenses and pay tax on net income only.
Service Tax is indirect tax levied on actual charges beinbg paid byn us for the goods and services rendered while this over and above tax is untenable and a finding of Chidambaram who fleeces the treasury himself and makes others pay into the treasury for people like him to suck away from Indian economy and stash away in Swiss banks or launder inder benami transactioners like Vasan eyecare etc.. Sharadh Pawar fleecing farmers, Praful Patel has bled Air india to death, and we can cite somany cases like Raja and he is the only small fisjh caught and other sharks are survivcing like Sonia, Chidambaram, Praful Patel, Pawar etc..
Hence it is high time a civil disobedience movement is started to stp paying IT, TDS, Service Tax etc.. by all tax payers especially salaried class and pensioners whose pension deposits are also being subjected to TDS at 20 and 30% as the case may be this is totally unconstitutionbal and creating citizen on different yardstick. untenable .