Trade Notice issued by the Chief Commissioner, Jaipur Zone regarding Division of Taxpayers between the Center & the State and handling of legacy issues of CE & ST Assessees
Trade Notice No. 05/2017
Dated: 21.11.2017
The Trade is hereby informed that in terms of guidelines issued by the GST Council Secretariat vide Circular No. 01/2017 under F. No. 166/Cross Empowerment/GSTC/2017 dated 20.09.2017 with respect to the division of taxpayer base between the Central Government and the State Government to ensure single interface under GST. the State Level Committee for the State of Rajasthan comprising of Dr. S. L. Meena. Chief Commissioner of Central Tax. Jaipur Zone and Shri Alok Gupta. Commissioner of State Tax. Rajasthan vide Order No. 01/2017 dated 17.11.2017 has assigned the taxpayers registered in the State of Rajasthan between the Center and State authorities. The taxpayers can view and check their details including the name of the administrating authority i.e. Center or State. by clicking on the link or
2. As regards legacy issues. the Trade is further informed that the legacy issues/ matters of erstwhile Tax Regime viz. Central Excise & Service Tax will be looked after by the respective jurisdictional Central Excise & service Tax Commissionerates as notified vide Trade Notice No. 01/2017 dated 20.06.2017 issued under C. No. CCO(JZ)Tech/23/2017 dated 20.06.2017 (issued in compliance of Notification No. 13/2017(NT) dated 09.06.2017) to which it pertained, irrespective of the fact even if consequent upon division of Tax Payers. a particular Tax Payer has been assigned to the administrating authority of the State.
Also, Check rajtax gov in.
3. This Trade Notice is being issued to facilitate the Trade to know the details including the name of their administrating authority Fur the purpose of Tax administration under GST regime as well as for the issues pertaining to erstwhile Tax Regime.
4. The jurisdictional Commissioners are requested to further inform all the Tax Payers under their respective jurisdiction about the contents, of the above Trade Notice.
5. The Trade and Industry associations/ chambers of commerce are also requested to bring the contents of this Trade Notice to the notice of all their members.
(Dr. S. L. Meena)
Chief Commissioner
F. No. CCO(JZ)Tech/44/2017/9637
Dated: 21.11.2017
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