Government of India
Ministry of Commerce and Industry
Directorate General of Foreign Trade
Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi.
Policy Circular No. 34 (RE-2005)/2004-09
Dated, the 30th November, 2005
All Licensing Authorities,
All Custom Authorities.
Subject : Policy Circular No. 24/2004-09 dated 30.8.2005- clarification regarding.
A number of clarifications have been sought by the Trade and Industry regarding certain provisions of Policy Circular No. 24/2004-09 dated 30.8.2005 on revised guidelines for import of rough Marble blocks / slabs. The matter has been reviewed and it is clarified as follows :
2. With regard to the entitlement of the applicant as laid down in para 2 (III) of the aforesaid Policy Circular it is hereby clarified that the entitlement will be calculated on the basis of the turnover of marble imported under Chapter 25 of the ITC (HS) Classification of Export Import Items 2004-09 only. These companies who have been importing under Chapter 25 may also add their complete turnover for imported marble for the preceding year i.e. 2004-05. For this purpose a revised Chartered Accountant certificates indicating turnover of the preceding year (2004-05) based on above criteria should be filed.
3. With regard to eligibility criteria as laid down in para 2(1) of the aforesaid Policy Circular it is clarified that manufacturing / processing units should have been set up during the years when marble was under SIL List or before. Hence documentary evidence showing establishment of manufacturing / processing units during that period should be produced.
This issues with the approval of DGFT.
(Pratima Dikshit)
Joint Director General of Foreign Trade
(Issued from F.No. M5726 & 5727 / AM 03 / PC-I(A))