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Do you know India possess the largest arable area in the world followed by United States, Russia, China, and Brazil. Responsible for providing livelihood to over 58% of the population and 44% workforce to the country, the sector has remained dominant for the longest time.  With the sector’s immense contribution it is often considered to be the backbone of the economy. The digital and technical innovations have contributed significantly to the sector’s recent performance.

In the last few years, the sector has been witnessing the rapid rise in technological innovation and mushrooming of Agri-Entrepreneurship, AgriTech startups due to a massive influx of investment, thereby enhancing the overall efficiencies across the value chain.  The factors such as policy reforms such as Atmanirbhar Bharat; Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana; Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana; New farms laws and advancement of digital technologies have been key drivers of Agricultural Transformation.

Mentoring Agri- Entrepreneurs


Often it has been seen that most of the entrepreneurs are either unaware of available schemes/facilities or reluctant to avail its benefits due to cumbersome application/approval process, resulting in the shut down of their ventures even in the starting few years.

Therefore, there is a need for proper mentorship and professional assistance to get the maximum available benefits from the Government schemes.

The study suggests that due to the absence of professional guidance the CEOs and top management of new businesses have to devote 80% of their time towards statutory and mandatory compliance often leads to neglect towards the benefits provided by the government, as a result, many are not able to avail themselves of such benefits. with the constant updation from the government in terms of statutory requirements, many are needing the assistance of a professional who could guide them on the right path and managed all their compliance, and other necessary work so that these entrepreneurs could concentrate on core business operations and strategic business planning.

This has, in turn, created professional opportunities for individuals well versed with the financial, regulatory, procedural aspects

Recognising the same the government has even provided mentorship facilities on the startup India portal.

The prospective mentors for providing official guidance will have to create a mentor profile on the portal. As a Mentor, you have access to all registered startups across all stages on the Hub. The startups may connect with you through a connection request, post which you can provide your expert advice to the startup on its next steps. A startup is allowed to send 3 connection requests each week. This is done by simply clicking on the “connect” button on the mentor’s profile. Once you accept a connection request, the startup can reach out to you through a simple chat interface. You can know more about the Startup which has connected with you by clicking on their profile and reading up about them.

Professional opportunities as a mentor for Startups: Apart from helping the nation move forward, as a mentor, you will have the opportunity to:

  • Be recognised as a Startup India Mentor
  • Share your wisdom and experiences
  • Evolve your own thinking
  • Develop a new relationship
  • Deepen your skills as a mentor 

Process of creating mentorship profile:

  • Simply click on ‘Register’ https://www.startupindia.gov.in/content/sih/en/registration.htmland fill in the details as required in the registration form. An OTP will be sent to your registered email address, post submitting which your profile will get created.
  • You will have an option to select your profile type. Select “Enabler” as your persona type, post which you’ll be asked to specify what type of enabler you are. Select mentor/investor in the drop-down box depending on your objective.
  • The profile goes under moderations for 24-48 hrs, and once our Quality assurance team has done a preliminary check on your mentor creds, your profile is made life

List of assistance providing service ideas:

1. By assisting start-ups to get recognition through startup India portal

2. Drafting and creating essential legal documents such as

3. Trademark

4. Incorporation documents

5. A non-disclosure agreement for dealing between client and investor will include certain documents and paper such as

– Employment contract, offer letters etc binding clause

– Confidentiality agreement

–  Owning of information

–  Obligation with respect to crucial information

1. Terms and conditions of work

2. Company policies etc

3. Bylaws – definite of working rules and regulations. Security provision etc.

4. Business advisor- fundraising options/opportunities, compliance monitoring other statutory compliance and mandates, periodical check, etc

5. The web portal of business-handling online query, improvisation, digital marketing

6. Accounting and finance matter: Taxation and Finance are the key areas along with Secretarial Compliances. Professionals are playing a very significant and crucial role to help smoothen business operations.

A full package professional guide with the added skill of financial expertise, regulatory and procedural compliance excellence are fitted for the role of mentoring such as Agri-preneurs. They may seek the assistance of such professionals/experts in terms of guiding through compliance procedure, financial management and strategies, attracting investors with a well business plan, so that they can freely focus upon the core business planning. The experts may help in understanding what type of skills entrepreneurs need at each stage of a mentoring relationship, that is, initiation, cultivation, separation, and redefinition stage.

Few websites to refer to:

 1. AIC of India limited www.aicofindia.com

2 Food and agriculture organisation of UN www.fao.org

3 ministry of agriculture & farmers welfare www.agricoop.nic.in

4 Small farmers’ Agribusiness consortium   www.sfacindia.com

national agriculture infra facility agriinfra.dac.gov.in

6 multi-state cooperative societies

7  kisanserv

8 rashtriya krishi vikas yojana

9 agriculture insurance company of India limited

10 department of agriculture research and education (DARE)

11 department of animal husbandry and fisheries (DAHD)

12 infrastructure crop research institute for the semi arid products (ICRISAT)

13 Farmers Portal

14 Mkisan

15 Agriculture skill council of India asci-india.com

16. Agriculture Information portal agrionline.nic.in

17. DBT in Agriculture dbtdacfw.gov.in

18. India Agricultural Outlook Forum 2018

19 Gos Recommendations Monitoring System


1. Ministry of Micro Small and Medium Enterprises msme.gov.in

2. Ministry of heavy industries and public enterprises:

3. Department of public enterprise dep.gov.in

4. Department of heavy industries dhi.nic.in

5. Ministry of commerce and industry :

6. Department of Commerce [function is to formulates, implements and monitors the Foreign Trade Policy (FTP)] commerce.gov.in

7. Department For Promotion of Industry and Internal Trade dipp.gov.in

8. World Economic Forum weforum.org

9. UN statistical commission https://unstats.un.org/unsd/statcom

10. UN industrial development organisation unido.org 

More under ministry of MSME

11. Technology Development Fund programme by ministry of defence executed by DRDO [encourage participation by private/public industries especially MSMEs] tdf.drdo.gov.in

12. development commissioner, ministry of micro small and medium enterprises [provides wide spectrum of service to the MSME sector] dcmsme.gov.in

13. khadi and village industries commission [functions as to planning, promotion, organisation and implementation of programs for the development of Khadi and other village industries in the rural areas] kvic.gov.in

14. coir board coirboard.gov.in

15. the national institute for MSME an organisation of ministry of MSME, Government of India nimsme.gov.org

16. national small industries corporation the certified GOI enterprise under Ministry of MSME working to promote aid, foster development of MSME in country nsic.co.in

17. promoting market transformation for energy efficiency of MSMEs gef5eeslindia.org.in

18. mahatma Gandhi institute for rural industrialization a national institute under ministry of MSME, GOI mgiri.org

19. zero defect, zero effect addressing the quality and ecological needs of domestic and overseas customers, society, employees, partners, regulators, and investors. zed.org.in

20. government portal for udyam registration of MSME udyamregistration.gov.in

21. initiative my ministry of MSME mymsme.gov.in

22. delhi Mumbai industry corridor project dmicdc.com

23. small industries development bank of india sidbi.in

24. MSME Samadhaan- Delayed payment monitoring system samadhaan.msme.gov.in

25.MSME Samabandh sambandh.gov.in

26.MSME Data Bank msmedatabank.in

Under department of heavy industry

27. Samarth Udyog Bharat 4.0 initiative by department of heavy industry, ministry of heavy industry and public enterprise, government of india samarthudyogbharat-i40.in

Under department for promotion of industry and internal trade

28. startup india website startupindia.gov.in

29. indiainvestmentgrid.gov.in  Department for promotion of industry and trade- Infrastructures projects undertaken by government

30. north east industrial development scheme ncog.gov.in

31. Ease of doing business dipp.gov.in

32. industrial information system https://iis.ncog.gov.in/parks/login1

33. industrial development scheme for himalayan state ncog.gov.in

34. make in india makeininida.com

35. digital india digitalindia.gov.in

36. AGNIi agnii.gov.in

37. ministry of statistical and programme implantation https://mospi.gov.in

various schemes under startup India:

38. Stand-Up India for Financing SC/ST and/or Women Entrepreneurs https://www.standupmitra.in/

39. Single Point Registration Scheme http://www.nsic.co.in/

40. Dairy Entrepreneurship Development Scheme https://goo.gl/maps/ZWAHqTGiii92

41. Revamped Scheme of Fund for Regeneration of Traditional Industries (SFURTI) https://sfurti.msme.gov.in/SFURTI/Home.aspx

42. Assistance to Professional Bodies & Seminars/Symposia https://serbonline.in/SERB/HomePage

43. Multiplier Grants Scheme https://meity.gov.in

44. Small Business Innovation Research Initiative (SBIRI) http://www.birac.nic.in/index.php

45. Pradhan Mantri Mudra Yojana https://www.mudra.org.in/ContactUs

46. 4E (End to End Energy Efficiency) by Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) https://sidbi.in/en

47. Sustainable Finance Scheme by Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) https://sidbi.in/en


49. Promoting Innovations in Individuals, Start-ups and MSMEs (PRISM) by Department Of Science & Industrial Research http://www.dsir.gov.in/index.html

50. NewGen Innovation and Entrepreneurship Development Centre by Department Of Science & Technology (DST) http://www.dsir.gov.in/index.html

51. Enhancement of Competitiveness in the Indian Capital Goods Sector by dept of heavy industry https://msme.gov.in/

52. Bridge Loan Against Generation-Based Incentive (GBI) Claims by Indian Renewable Energy Development Agency (IREDA) https://ireda.in

53. Software Technology Park Scheme Under Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology https://www.stpi.in/11011#maincontent

54. Self Employement Lending Schemes- Credit Line 2-Term Loan Scheme http://nmdfc.org/index1.aspx?lsid=190&lev=1&lid=144&langid=1

55. Self Employement Lending Schemes- Credit Line – 1 – Micro Financing Scheme http://nmdfc.org/index1.aspx?lsid=190&lev=1&lid=144&langid=1

56. Self Employement Lending Schemes- Credit Line – 1 – Mahila Samridhi Yojana http://nmdfc.org/index1.aspx?lsid=190&lev=1&lid=144&langid=1

57. Credit Facilitation Through Bank http://www.nsic.co.in/Corporate/ContactUs.aspx

58. Raw Material Assistance Scheme by National Small Industries Corporation (Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) http://www.nsic.co.in/Corporate/ContactUs.aspx

59. Self employment and talent utilisation (SETU) https://niti.gov.in/writereaddata/files/TeleDirectory1006

60. Micro Exporters Policy (MEP) ECGC Ltd. (Ministry of Commerce & Industry) https://www.ecgc.in/contact-us/

61. Export Development & Promotion of Spices by Spices Board (Ministry of Commerce & Industry) http://www.indianspices.com

62. Marketing Support/Assistance to MSMEs (Bar Code) under Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises http://www.dcmsme.gov.in/Contacts.htm

63. Financial Support to MSMEs in ZED Certification Scheme under Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises zed@qcin.org

64. The Samridhi Fund by small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) http://www.sidbiventure.co.in/contact_us.html

65. Interest Subsidy Eligibility Certificate (ISEC) for Khadi Institutions by Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (KVIC) kvicecr@gmail.com

66. Rental for Warehousing by Ministry of Textile http://texmin.nic.in/

67. Capital Investment Subsidy Scheme under National Bamboo Mission https://nbm.nic.in

68. Equipment Finance (North Eastern Development Finance Corporation Ltd Schemes) by MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION  https://www.nedfi.com

69. Micro Finance Scheme by (NEDFL Schemes) MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION https://www.nedfi.com/

70. Rupee Term Loan (RTL) by (NEDFL Schemes) MINISTRY OF DEVELOPMENT OF NORTH EASTERN REGION https://www.nedfi.com/

State and union territory wise subsidy website:

71. Andhra Pradesh ap.gov.in department of industry www.apindustries.gov.in

72. Assam assam.gov.in department of industries www.industries.gov.in

73. Bihar department of industries industries.bih.nic.in

74. Chhattisgarh chattisgarh.nic.in

75. Goa goa.gov.in department of industries www.ditc.goa.gov.in

76. Gujarat gujratindia.gov.in department of industries www.imd-gujrat.gov.in

77. Haryana haryana.gov.in department of industries www.haryanaindustries.in

78. Himachal Pradesh himachal.nic.in department of industries www.emerginghimachal.hp.gov.in

79. Jharkhand  jharkhand.gov.in www.jharkhandindustry.gov.in

80. Karnataka karanataka.gov.in www.karnatakaindustry.gov.in

81. Kerala kerala.gov.in www.industry.kerala.gov.in

82. Madhya Pradesh mp.gov.in department of industries www.mpindustry.gov.in

83. Maharashtra maharashtra.gov.in www.industry.maharashtra.gov.in

84. Manipur manipura.nic.in  www.dcimanipur.gov.in

85. Meghalaya meghalaya.gov.in www.megindustry.gov.in

86. Mizoram mizoram.gov.in www.industries.mizroam.gov.in

87. Nagaland nagaland.gov.in www.industry.nagaland.gov.in

88.Orissa odisha.gov.in www.industries.odish.gov.in

89. Punjab punjab.gov.in www.pbindustries.gov.in

90. Rajasthan rajasthan.gov.in www.industries.rajasthan.gov.in

91. Sikkim sikkim.gov.in www.sikkim.gov.in/departments/commerce-and-industries-department/district-industries

92. Tamil Nadu tn.gov.in www.indcom.tn.gov.in

93. Telangana telangana.gov.in www.industries.telangana.gov.in

94. Tripura tripura.gov.in www.industries.tripura.gov.in

95. Uttarakhand uk.gov.in www.doiuk.org

96. Uttarpradesh up.gov.in www.updi.in

97. West Bengal wb.gov.in www.wbidc.com

98. Andaman & nicorbar islands andaman.gov.in www.andssw1.and.nic.in

99. www.chandigarh.gov.in www.chamberofchandigarhindustries.com


100. Dadar and nagar haveli and daman and diu dnh.nic.in www.dnh.nic.in

101. Delhi delhi.gov.in www.industries.delhigovt.nic.in

102. Jammu and Kashmir jk.gov.in www.jkindustriescommerce.nic.in

103. Ladakh ladakh.nic.in www.ladakh.nic.in

104. Lakshadweep lakshwadeep.gov.in www.lakshwadeep.gov.in/department/

105. Puducherry puducherry-dt.gov.in; www.industry.py.gov.in

106. Startup related websites

1. www.startupindia.gov.in website by Ministry of commerce and trade

2. www.standupmitra.in list of all schemes by central and state governments

3. www.indiainvestmentgrid.gov.in The Government of India, Ministry of Commerce and trade, Department for promotion of industry and trade- Infrastructures projects undertaken by government

4. www.agnii.gov.in AGNIi – Accelerating Growth of New India’s Innovations – is a programme of the Office of the Principal Scientific Adviser to the Government of India, and a Mission under the Prime Minister’s Science, Technology, and Innovation Advisory Council (PM-STIAC). AGNIi helps commercialise Indian technological innovation

5. www.makeinindia.com

6. www.investindia.gov.in

7. www.samadhaan.msme.gov.in

8. www.champions.gov.in Creation of harmonious application of Modern processes for increasing the output and national strength

9. www.digitalindia.gov.in

10. www.nsic.co.in

11. www.udyamimitra.in

12. www.skillindia.gov.in

13. www.sagarmala.gov.in

14. www.gem.gov.in (Online market place for

15. www.ivca.in (India private equity and venture capital Association)

16. www.mudra.org.in

17. www.cgtmse.in (UDAAN Credit guarantee Fund trust for micro and small enterprises)

18. www.msme.gov.in

19. www.enam.gov.in e national agriculture market

20. www.nsda.gov.in

21. www.ipindia.nic.in

22. www.dgft.gov.in

23. www.gst.gov.in

24. www.mca.gov.in

25. www.sezindia.nic.in

26. www.mscs.dac.gov.in

27 www.aim.gov.in Attal innovation mission

28. www.smartcities.gov.in

29. www.pmsvanidhi.mohua.gov.in

30. www.sambandh.msme.gov.in

31. www.msmedatabank.in

32. www.ncgtc.in

National Credit Guarantee Trustee Company Ltd [NCGTC] was set up by the Department of Financial Services, Ministry of Finance, Government of India to, inter alia, act as a common trustee company to manage and operate various credit guarantee trust funds.

33. www.msmemart.com

B2B Web Portal for MSMEs offering Infomediary Services which is a one-stop, one-window bouquet of aids that will provide information on business & technology and also exhibit the core competence of Indian MSMEs

34. www.scsthub.in The Hub supports existing SC/ST entrepreneurs and enterprises in technological upgradation and capacity building thereby enabling them to effectively participate in government. procurement process.

Websites related to export:

1. ministry of commerce and industry: commerce.gov.in

2. services export promotion council: servicesepc.org

3. indian trade portal: indiantradeportal.in

4. federation of indian export organisations (FIEO): fieo.org

5. indian institute of foreign trade (IIFT): tedu.iift.ac.in

6. indian institution of packaging (IIP): iip-in.com

7. export inspection council (EIC): u/s 3 of export (quality control and inspection) act, 1963

8. indian council of Arbitration: icaindia.co.in

9. india trade promotion organisation (ITPO): indiatradefair.com

10. chamber of commerce and industry: indian.chamber.org

11. federation of indian chamber of commerce & industry (FICCI): ficci.in

12. bureau of indian standards: bis.gov.in

13. marine products export development authority (MPEDA): mpeda.gov.in

14. india investment centre set up under ministry of finance GOI

15. directorate general of foreign trade (DGFT): dgft.gov.in

16. director general of commercial intelligence statistics (DGCIS): dgciskol.gov.in

17. Indian trade portal- indiantradeportal.in

18. Top 25 export markets of India& trade statistics https://www.indiantradeportal.in/vs.jsp?id=0,25,45,858,859

19. Department for promotion of industry and internal trade- dipp.gov.in

20. Department of commerce- commerce.gov.in

21. Ministry of external affairs- mea.gov.in

22. World trade organisation DATA- data.wto.org

23. United Nations Conference on Trade and Development – unctad.org

24. Organisation of Petroleum exporting countries- OPEC.org

25. South Asian Association for Regional Cooperation SAARC.Sec.org

26. Association of Southeast Asian Nations ASEAN.org

27. European union- europa.eu

28. Eurasian economic union http://eaeunion.org/

29. Gulf Cooperation Council- gcc-sg.org

30. MERCOSUR- mercosur.int

State specific startp policy:

1. Maharashtra https://www.msins.in/

  • Maharashtra Startup Policy 2018-2023
  • Total 4819 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector: production development
  • Nodal agency : Department of Industries & Commerce, Maharashtra State Innovation Society (MSInS); Department of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship

2. Gujrat https://startup.gujarat.gov.in/

  • The Electronics & IT/ITeS Start-up Policy (2016-21)
  • Total 1503 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector: Food Processing
  • Nodal Agency: Industries Commissionerate, Government of Gujarat
  1. Rajasthan https://istart.rajasthan.gov.in/
  • Nodal Agency: Department of Information Technology & Communication (DoIT & C)
  • Total 734Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector Application Development
  • Rajasthan Startup Policy 2015-2020

4. Madhya Pradesh https://mpmsme.gov.in:8080/website/startup

  • Madhya Pradesh Startup Policy 2019
  • Total 635 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector Construction & Engineering
  • Nodal Agency Department of MSME

5. Goa https://www.startup.goa.gov.in/index

  • Goa Startup Policy 2017-2020
  • Total 108 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector Business Support Services
  • Nodal Agency: Department of Information Technology

6. Karnataka http://startup.karnataka.gov.in/

  • Karnataka Startup Policy 2015-2020
  • Nodal Agency Department of Information Technology, Biotechnology and Science & Technology, Government of Karnataka
  • Total 3032Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector Product Development

7. Kerala https://startupmission.kerala.gov.in/

  • Kerala Startup Policy 2017
  • Total 913 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal Agency: Kerala Startup Mission
  • Key sector Product Development

8. Tamil Nadu https://www.editn.in/

  • Tamil Nadu Startup & Innovation Policy 2018 – 2023
  • Total 1382 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Entrepreneurship Development and Innovation Institute
  • Key sector Product Development

9. Puducherry

  • Aspring Puducherry – Innovations & Startup Policy 2019-2024
  • Total 24 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Department of Industries and Commerce, Puducherry
  • Key sector application development

10. Andhra Pradesh http://apis.ap.gov.in/index.php

  • Andhra Pradesh Innovation & Startup Policy 2014-2020
  • Total 386Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Department of Information Technology, Electronics & Communication
  • Product development

11. Telangana https://startup.telangana.gov.in/

  • Telangana Innovation Policy 2016
  • Total 1379 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Information Technology, Electronics and Communications Department

12. Chattigarh https://industries.cg.gov.in/startupcg/Home/Index

  • Startup Policy 2019-2024
  • Total 248 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector Agri-Tech

13. Odisha https://startupodisha.gov.in/

  • Odisha Startup Policy 2016-2020
  • Total 459 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Department of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises
  • Key sector – food processing

14. Jharkhand https://abvil.jharkhand.gov.in/index.php

  • Jharkhand Startup Policy 2016-2021
  • Total 231 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector food processing
  • Nodal agency Department of Information Technology and E-Governance

15. Bihar https://startup.bihar.gov.in:8080/

  • Bihar Startup Policy 2017-2022
  • Total 366 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Department of Industries
  • Key sector construction and engineering

16. West bengal

  • West Bengal Startup Policy 2016-2021
  • 801 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Department of Micro, Small & Medium Enterprises & Textiles, Government of West Bengal
  • Key sector application development

17. Uttar pradesh https://startinup.up.gov.in/

  • Uttar Pradesh Startup Policy 2020
  • Total 2324 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • The key sector Application Development
  • Nodal agency Department of IT & Electronics, Government of Uttar Pradesh.

18. Haryana https://startupharyana.gov.in/en

  • Haryana Entrepreneur & Startup Policy-2017
  • Total 1404 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Department of Information Technology Electronics & Communication, Haryana
  • Key sector IT Consulting

19. Punjab https://pbindustries.gov.in/static/policy_framework;Key=Startup_and_Entrepreneurship

  • Industrial & Business Development Policy 2017-2022
  • Total 245 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector Agri-Tech
  • Nodal agency Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Punjab

20. Himachal pradesh https://startuphimachal.hp.gov.in/

  • Chief Minister’s Startup/Innovation/Projects/New Industries Scheme 2016
  • 43 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Department of Industries
  • Key sector food processing

21. Uttarkhand https://www.startuputtarakhand.com/

  • Uttarakhand State Start-up Policy-2018
  • Total 202 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector food processing

22. Jammu and kashmir https://www.startupjk.com/

  • Jammu & Kashmir Startup Policy 2018-2028
  • 75 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector Oil & Gas Transportation Services
  • The Jammu and Kashmir Entrepreneurship Development Institute (JKEDI)

23. Sikkim

  • Chief Ministers Startup Scheme (CMSS)
  • 01 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Department of Commerce & Industries

24. Meghalaya http://megindustry.gov.in/

  • Meghalaya Startup Policy 2018-2023
  • Key sector Business Support Services
  • Nodal agency Commerce & Industries Department, Government of Meghalaya
  • 09 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs

25. Tripura https://startup.tripura.gov.in/

  • IT Startup Scheme 2019
  • Total 17 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Directorat of Information Technology, Gov. of Tripura
  • Skill development

26. Mizoram https://edc.mizoram.gov.in/

  • 01 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Key sector Integrated communication services
  • Nodal agency Entrepreneurship Development Centre, Planning & Programme Implementation Department, Government of Mizoram

27. Manipur https://startupmanipur.in/

  • Manipur Startup Policy 2016-2021
  • Total 23 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Nodal agency Planing Department, Govt. of Manipur
  • Key sector Freight & Logistics Services

28. Nagaland https://startup.nagaland.gov.in/

  • Nagaland Startup Policy 2019-2023
  • 10 Women-Led Startups/Women Entrepreneurs
  • Department of Industries & Commerce, Government of Nagaland

29. Assam https://startup.assam.gov.in/

  • Assam Startup Policy 2017-2022
  • Department of Industries & Commerce
  • Key sector Food Processing

Hoping you find this article informative and useful, to find out more of such information stay tuned to my next article.

Thank you!


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