Dear Member,
India is a vibrant and emerging economy on the global map which has recorded approximately 8.7 percent growth rate in GDP during 2010-11. Indian Economy is being taken to a higher orbit so as to attain the developed nation status by 2020 which is hardly a decade away. Indian businesses- particularly corporate professionals such as Company secretary have a special role to play in this common endeavour.
The syllabus revision is a continuous process followed in an educational /professional institution with an objective to enrich the academic contents and to provide practical exposure in relevant areas in the light of increasing expectations of different stakeholders ie industry, regulators, banks, financial institutions and society.
In view of ever increasing expectations and demands of trade , industry , regulators and corporate sector from the Company Secretary and the paradigm shift in the conduct of corporate business transactions. The Council of the Institute in its 200th Meeting held on 18th March, 2011 at ICSI House, New Delhi has Constituted the Syllabus Review Committee as under:
R Sridharan : Chairman
Ashok Kumar Pareek : Member
Atul Mittal : Member
Gopalakrishna Hegde : Member
Harish K Vaid : Member
Sudhir Babu C : Member
S N Ananthasubramanian : Member
Vikas Y Khare : Member
The softcopy of the existing syllabus of Company Secretaryship Course is attached.
We solicit your valuable inputs/ suggestions on the contents of the syllabus latest by 20th April, 2011for consideration of Syllabus Review Committee. You may send your inputs/suggestions to:
Mr. V P Sharma
Director (Academics)
The Institute of Company secretaries of India ,
“ICSI House’:, 22 Institutional Area,
Lodi Road ,
New Delhi-110 003
N K Jain
Secretary &CEO
Enclosed: click here >>> Syallabus 2007