Introduction: The Institute of Company Secretaries of India (ICSI) provides students with the facility to verify their marks or obtain certified copies of their answer books. This article walks through the entire online process, helping ICSI students ensure they get what they require without any hiccups.
What is Marks Verification by ICSI?
According to the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982 (Regulation 42 (2)), students have the privilege to request for the “Verification of Marks” for any CS examination subject. This has to be done within 21 days post the declaration of their results. The process involves a nominal fee and can provide assurance or clarity on the awarded marks.
Online Process for Marks Verification
1. Login
- Begin by visiting this link.
- Use your credentials to log in.
- Once logged in, you’ll land on the dashboard.
- Forgotten passwords can be easily retrieved through the “forgot password” link.
2. Initiating the Verification Request
- Hover over the MODULE header, navigate to the Exam submenu, and select “Verification Of Marks/Inspection/Certified Copies of Answer Books”.
- A new page, Screen 2, pops up. Here, you can track previously added verification requests using the Search Button.
- Start a fresh request by clicking on “Add New Request”.
3. Adding a New Request
- Upon clicking “Add New Request”, a detailed form appears (Screen 3). Here, before selecting your request type, ensure your address and contact details are accurate.
- As you pick the request type, a detailed form (Screen 4) displays. Select the required subjects and go through the guidelines provided.
- To finalize, click on the “Proceed to payment” button, choose your preferred payment gateway, and complete the payment.
4. Post-Payment Steps
- Once payment is successful, a receipt is generated (Screen 7). It’s advisable to print or save it in .pdf format for future reference.
5. Checking Previous Requests
- To review past requests, click on the “Verification Of Marks/Inspection/Certified Copies of Answer Books” option again.
- Screen 8 showcases all your requests. Click “View Detail” to inspect any particular request.
Guidelines and Regulations for Marks Verification
- The facility has been available since the December 2019 session.
- Each subject or answer book verification attracts a fee of Rs. 250.
- Applications lacking the required fee or necessary details won’t be processed.
- The institute, if it identifies any un-evaluated answers or calculation errors, will make corrections and inform the student. However, full re-evaluation isn’t allowed.
Conclusion: ICSI’s marks verification facility is an excellent provision ensuring transparency and allowing students to be certain about their scores. By following the steps outlined above, students can smoothly navigate through the process and obtain the desired clarity on their examination marks.
In terms of Regulation 42 (2) of the Company Secretaries Regulations, 1982 as in force, a candidate may apply for “Verification of Marks” in any subject(s) of CS examination within 21 days from the date of declaration of his/her result. The interested candidates can apply for verification of marks through on-line mode as per prescribed procedure with requisite fee @ Rs. 250/- per subject. The guidelines/information regarding Verification of Marks are available on the website of the Institute at:
The on-line facility for applying for Verification of Marks will be operative from Saturday, the 26th August, 2023 from 00:01 hrs till Friday, the 15th September, 2023 up to 24:00 hrs.
The last date of submitting applications for Verification of Marks is 15th September, 2023.
The candidate should apply for Verification of Marks thro’ online mode only. The interested candidates can access the following link:
The user manual for guidance of candidates containing procedure for submitting application for Verification of Marks is given on the website of the Institute under Examination Section at the link given below:
Joint Secretary Directorate of Examinations
User Manual For Students for Applying: Verification of Marks Inspection / Certified Copies of Answer Books
This document will help ICSI Students to request for Verification of Marks, Certified Copies/ Inspection of Answer Books.
1. Students will visit (
2. Students will login to their account.
3. After successful login user will be redirected to the dashboard.
4. If user has forgotten password, then it can be recreated using “forgot password” link.
Process: Request for Verification of Marks/ Inspection/Certified Copies of Ammer Books
1. User will mouse over to the header menu MODULE and scroll down to Exam submenu and click on “Verification Of Marks/Inspection/Certified Copies of Answer Books”. (Module > Exam> Verification Of Marks/Inspection/Certified Copies of Answer Books) As shown below
Screen 1 : Navigation Screen for Applying Post Exam Service Request
2. On click of Module > Exam> Verification of Marks/Inspection/Certified Copies of Answer Books menu link, below screen (screen 2) will appear.
3. On screen 2; Search Button will be used by student to search /filter previous/ already added VOM requests. User can filter request on the basis of VMCR No. , Application Status.
4. In Order to create a request, user will have to click on “Add New Request” button on screen 2.
Screen 2 : Request for Post Exam Services (Add New Request)
(i) Add New Request
1. Student can add new Service Request by clicking “Add New Request” button on screen 2. A new screen opens up as per screen 3 “Apply for Verification of Marks/Inspection/Certified An.ewer Books”.
Screen 3 : On Click of “add New Request” on Screen 2
2. As per screen 3, user will select request type. However, before selecting any of the request type, student needs to verify his/her address and communication detail, visible on screen 3. In case, student wants to update any of the details, he/she will have to click on corresponding link (provided on screen 3) before proceeding to add any of the post exam service requests.
3. As user selects request type, result detail will be shown on screen as per screen 4.
4. User will have to select check boxes, in order to add subjects in the particular request. Read instructions in screen 4.
5. User will have to submit undertaking , by selecting checks box under guidelines
Screen 4: Request for Verification of Marks/Inspection/Certified Copies of Answer Books
5. Once student clicks on “Proceed to payment” button, he/she will be redirected to below screen as per screen 5, where student will have to select payment gateway.
6. After selecting payment gateway, user will have to click on “Next”
Screen 5: Screen for payment gateway selection
7. As user clicks on “Next” button on screen 5, Screen 6 will appear to user, showing transaction id and user detail.
Note: Note down transaction id for future reference
Screen 6: Generation of transaction id, click proceed to redirect on Payment gateway Link
Screen 7: On Successful payment; Generation of receipt
8. As user clicks on “Proceed” button, on screen 6, he/she will be redirected to make payment. On successful payment, receipt will be generated, which can be printed by user. User can also save this receipt in .pdf format, if using chrome browser.
(ii) View Detail of Pending/Processed Requests:
1. On click of Module > Exam> Verification of Marks/Inspection/Certified Copies of Answer Books menu link, below screen (screen 8) will appear.
Screen 8: Screen on click of Module > Exam > Verification of Marks/Inspection/Certified Copies of Answer Books
2. In order to view detail, select desired entry from grid followed by click on “View Detail” button on screen 8.user will be redirected to below screen as per screen 9, where he/she will be able to have detailed view of already raised requests.
3. Student can close screen 9 using “Close” button on respective screen.
Screen 9: Detailed view of already raised requests
The institute ha! been providing facility of Verification of Marks to the candidates on their request as per egulation 42(2) of —he CS Regulations, 1982.
(As amended by the Council in its 299th meeting held on 23rd and 24th August, 2023)
1. These Guidelines for proving Verification of Marks in the Answer Book(s) of students are applicable from December, 2019 session of Examinations as amended time to time. Under these Guidelines, a candidate can seek Verification of Marks in his/her evaluatec Answer Book(s) of Company Secretaries Examination.
2. A Student who wishes to verify his/her marks in the Answer Book(s) of any subject(s) of a particular session of Examination shall apply –‘or Verification of Marks under Regulation 42(2) of the CS Regulations 1982 on-line through Student login on the ICSI Portal using the prescribed application form together with requisite fee within twenty-one days (21 days) from the date of Declaration of the Result.
3. Fee of X250 per subject/Answer Book is payable for Verification of Marks.
4. Application form without requisite fee and missing complete particulars shall not be entertained.
5. Before providing the result of verification of marks in the Answer Book(s) to a candidate on his/her request, if it is noticed that Answer(s) to any sub-question(s)/question(s) of his/her Answer Book(s) has/have inadvertently remained unevaluated or there is some posting or totaling error, the Institute would rectify such omission and commission and communicate the revised marks/ result to the student.
6. Re-evaluation of Answer(s)/ Answer Book(s) is not permissible under Regulation 42(2).
7. If any error is found at any point of time as provided in Para 5 above, the Institute shall have suo moto power to rectify the same.