Intent of the EoI: POWERGRID intends to select an Auditor for World Bank funded projects for auditing of the annual Project Financial Statements (PFS) for the Financial Year 2009-2010. The objective of the audit of the PFS is to enable the auditor to express a professional opinion as to whether – (i) The PFS provides a true and fair view of the financial position of the project at the end of the period under audit examination; (ii) The funds were utilized for the purposes for which they were provided and; and (iii) Expenditures shown in the PFS are eligible for financing under the relevant loan agreement.
Expression of Interest (EoI):EoI is invited from Chartered Accountants Firms for taking up the role of the Auditor as per the above provided brief.
Criteria for Short Listing:The following criteria are applicable for shortlisting.
Sl. No | Particulars | Weightage (%) |
1 | Number of Full Time Fellow Partners associated with the firm for not less than 3 years (As per Certificate of ICAI as on 01.01.2009) | 20 |
2 | Turnover of the Firm
(Average in the last three years) |
25 |
3 | No. of Years of Firms Existence | 15 |
4 | No. of Assignments of Statutory Audit of Corporate/PSUs entities having a turnover of not less than Rs 25 Crores in the last three years. | 20 |
5 | No. of assignments : Experience of audit of Externally Aided Projects / Infrastructure Sector | 20 |
The applicant shall furnish documentary evidence in support of their particulars.
Procedure for Submission of EoI: Detailed EoI alongwith documents confirming compliance with shortlisting requirements may be submitted by 28.07.2010 at the address indicated below.
A complete set of the Request for Expression Documents may be obtained free of cost by the interested parties or their authorized representatives on submission of a written request from the address mentioned below from 28.06.2010 to 28.07.2010. These can also be accessed from our website . Any updates to the EoI documents shall be hosted on our website. The Interested Parties are requested to ensure that all updates are considered while submitting the EoI.
Form of Expression of Interest
Interested Chartered Acountant Firms should indicate their interest by providing the following:
- Full name of the company and contact person, postal address, telephone and fax numbers as well as e-mail address;
- Audited financial statement for the last three financial years for applicant;
- Documents supporting compliance to Criteria for Short Listing.
Expressions of Interest must be submitted in three (3) copies (one original and two copies) in a sealed envelope clearly marked “Expression of Interest: Auditor for World Bank funded projects” and delivered not later than 17:30 hours Indian Standard time on 28.07.2010 to the address below.
Address for communication and submission of EoI
(By Post/In Person)
DGM (CS-G8),
Power Grid Corporation of India Limited,
`Saudamini’, 3rd Floor, Plot No.-2, Sector-29,
Guargaon (Haryana) – 122001.
Telephone Nos.:- (Thru Board) +91-(0)124-2571700 to 719 Extn. 2377/3323; (Direct) +91-(0)124-2571847
Fax Nos.:- +91-(0)124-2571831
For more information on POWERGRID, visit our site at